[USA][TECH][16] Seeking a Flutter Dev CoFounder for a revenue-generating family travel app.

Hi! We’re looking for a Flutter developer to join our company’s board and work on a live app that is currently generating revenue.

The GoWhee App is a bootstrapped travel app launched in 2020, with global recognition through major media (Parents, Fodor’s travel, travel+leisure…) and a healthy social media following. We have a strong mission to help small businesses, promote inclusivity in the travel industry, and will offer a charitable program as part of the product.

Our team is passionate, hard-working, and believes in the lean start-up mentality for time and resources.

The app is a crowdsourced platform that allows parents worldwide to find places to take their family out for a fun outing - all on a subscription model. It’s offered on both IOS and Android and on a Flutter Web App (for desktop).

We are looking for an experienced (preferably 2+ years minimum) Flutter developer to join our board team. Backend and PostgreSQL is a must as well. Subscription app model experience is a big plus. (Server build and maintenance are done by another team member)

The app shows revenue and expects exponential growth in the next 2-3 years. The last evaluation was at $6M. We want to partner with someone (preferably U.S based) that can help us through some necessary work and would lead a future dev team as we grow.

Work compensation will be on a dynamic equity basis only (Slicing Pie model) until we reach the determined revenue cap. After that, you can choose to join a salaried position or stay as an advisory board member for passive income if preferred.

The product is already live and we have a roadmap for specific features/fixes we need, including:

  • Staging environment (on Linode)

  • Opening our closed subscription model to freemium.

  • Minor bug fixes.

  • UX changes (major and minor).

It’s perfect for someone having a freelance company or having time for side projects since we are developing features as we go and adapting to generate revenue growth.

Happy to set up a chat - please only inquire if you are interested in the equity deal.

submitted by /u/JMac87
[link] [comments] https://www.reddit.com/r/cofounder/comments/1205eny/usatech16_seeking_a_flutter_dev_cofounder_for_a/
Created 2y | Mar 24, 2023, 3:20:32 AM

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