ℹ️ As mentioned last time, Go Weekly is now sent on Tuesdays, so if you missed us at all, we're now back on schedule 😄 __ Peter Cooper, your editor |
The Smallest Go Binary - 5KB? — I thought this sounded a bit silly at first, especially dated April 1st, but the author (also the main maintainer of purego) had an interesting use case: they wanted to use Go’s assembler but not Go’s runtime. Turns out it’s possible, with a lot of fiddling around. Note: You will almost certainly never need to do this yourself, but it's fun to see the parts involved in doing so.
Over Engineered
Developing a RESTful API with Go and Gin — It’s neat to see a tutorial like this pop up on the official Go site. It walks through the basics of using Gin to create a simple RESTful API that stores its data in memory for simplicity.
Official Go Docs
What's Next in Kubernetes Access? — Manage and audit access to all Kubernetes infrastructure - databases, clusters, and more - using biometrics rather than shared tokens and gain visibility on all actions in a K8s pod with full session recordings, all with a free trial of Teleport.
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What's New in GoLand 2023.1 — GoLand is a popular (though commercial) IDE in the Go space, often coming in second only to VS Code, so it’s interesting to see what they’ve added. The latest version introduces a vulnerability checker and vulnerable package updater, improved gRPC tooling, and the ability to run ‘scratch’ files with non-standard-library packages.
How Do You Name Your Go Variables — While this is a simple question on the surface, it often generates a ton of very strong opinions and lively discussion, as it did with the Lobsters community.
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