Back in February, Meta launched a Telegram-like feature for Instagram called "broadcast channels," which introduced a one-way messaging feature to the app. It gave creators a way to update their followers without having to post on their main page. Now, the company is expanding broadcast channels' availability and is also bringing it to Facebook and Messenger. Creators and public figures with Facebook pages will now be able to send messages, including photos, videos and voice notes, to their community.
It's still a one-way messaging tool, which means only Page administrators can send messages in the channel, but participants can react to them and vote in polls. Admins can launch a channel directly from their page, and Facebook will send their followers a one-time notification to join after they send their first message. Based on the screenshots shared by Meta chief Mark Zuckerberg, broadcast channels will show up in users' Messenger chats under a tab aptly labeled "Channels." Participants will get notifications every time the page owner sends an update, but they can mute the channel anytime. Presumably, those who chose not to participate the first time can still access the channel from the page's profile like people can on Instagram.
Meta says any page admin where the feature is now accessible can start a channel if they want. The feature still isn't available everywhere, though, and those who can't find the option to open a broadcast channel yet can join the waitlist for now.
This article originally appeared on Engadget at to add comment
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