Interactive Release Notes for Go 1.22 — Don’t panic, Go 1.22 isn’t due for final release until next month, but this is a neat set of interactive notes showing off various 1.22 features. This is so worth a look to get up to speed.
Anton Zhiyanov
Help GopherConEU in Athens, Greece be a Memorable Event! — Join GopherConEU in Athens, Greece between February 6 - 8th, 2024. Bill Kennedy and Miki Tebeka are part of GopherConEU Training workshops sharing cutting edge Go engineering best practices, libraries, frameworks, performance optimization, and more.
Ardan Labs & GopherConEU sponsor
Fun with Embeddings in Go — “Whilst Python is and will remain the dominant language in the AI/ML space, there are plenty of Go modules that let you do some interesting things with data and vector embeddings.” This is a neat article, and includes a cool interactive 3D visualization for good measure.
Milos Gajdos
The meeting notes for the Go compiler team's most recent weekly meeting had some interesting points around things in the Go survey that surprised attendees, plus a rumor about ARM's Go team in China.
Over at Hacker News, someone asked is Go the new BASIC? No..
A reminder that the go1.x runtime on AWS Lambda is now deprecated.
Uber's Go Style Guide — Want to know how a large org writes Go? Take a ride with Uber's guidelines, performance notes, and style concerns.
Tarmac: A Language Agnostic Framework — At the risk of sounding like a framework for everything, Tarmac takes an interesting, serverless approach for an app framework. It’s Go-powered but uses WebAssembly to allow languages like Go, Rust, Zig, and others, to be used as you prefer for writing your functions, while Tarmac keeps them connected to the real world, databases, etc.
Benjamin Cane
wazero 1.6 – The zero dependency WebAssembly runtime for Go. A big release, now featuring an (optional) optimizing compiler.
rqlite 8.16.0 – SQLite-backed distributed database, now with support for auto-backups and auto-restore to/from S3-compatible stores.
golang-set 2.6 – Robust generic set type.
Mock 0.4 – Mocking that integrates with testing .
Gobot 2.3 – The robotics / drones / IoT framework.
dae 0.5 – High-perf transparent proxy based on eBPF.
Expr 1.15.8 – Expression language and evaluation.
Otto 0.3 – Go-powered JavaScript interpreter.
go-redis 9.4 – Redis client library.
A Go-Powered Arkanoid Clone — For those who weren’t gaming in the 80s, think a bat and ball game 😄 This one is written in Go, uses Ebitengine, and adopts an entity component system (ECS) architecture.