✍️ It's been a quiet week for big Go related news, but we still have a bumper issue because we have so many things we didn't get around to including earlier ;-) Here we go..! __ Your editor, Peter Cooper |
The Two Reasons I Prefer Passing Struct Pointers Around — When passing structs to functions, how do you decide whether or not to use a pointer? Preslav has some solid criteria inspired by the principles of domain-driven design that may give you a new, more maintainable approach.
Preslav Rachev
Go is Not Java — If you're in the mood for a bit of a rant, this might scratch that itch. The post also contends that, per the creator of object orientation, Go may be even more OO than Java or C++.. (a topic David Wickes also wrote about recently).
Jarrod Roberson
Konf 1.1: A Flexible Configuration Loader — Load config settings from all sorts of places, from local sources like files and environment variables, to platforms like S3, AWS Parameter Store, AWS AppConfig, and GCP Secret Manager. v1.1 adds support for change notification via AWS SNS, GCP PubSub, and Azure Service Bus.
Kuisong Tong
quic-go 0.43 – Pure Go QUIC implementation. A small step for a release, but a giant leap for its new documentation site!
Redka 0.3 – Redis re-implemented with SQLite. v0.3 says hello to sorted sets.
pdfcpu 0.8 – Go PDF processor. PDF 2.0 encryption is now supported.
Traefik 3.0 – HTTP reverse proxy and load balancer. One of the biggest Go-based projects.
Gum 0.14 – Go-powered shell scripting utilities by Charm.