I've been building a web UI library for a side project of mine. I thought it might be useful to others, so I'm releasing it as open source.
To put it simply, I realized that most of my pain points with React come from its declarative model ui=f(state). So I'm trying something that I'm calling "imperative JSX." Instead of treating JSX as the source of truth for your UI, it essentially becomes a query interface for DOM manipulation.
I first had the idea for it a few months ago, and only began writing it in earnest last week, so it's extremely early and nowhere near production-ready. Still, I'd appreciate feedback on it (positive and negative)!
The side project I'm working on is called Matry, so the library is currently called @matry/dom. I'm slowly building up a list of examples of it in action at this repo: https://github.com/matry/dom-recipes
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