Is 7 days a week the new norm (for YC)?

I've worked for 2 major YC companies and done some one-off/contract work in recent years at a few others here in SF. Really like the startups coming out of YC.

I had to unfortunately voluntarily quit the last on-site contract due to it being 7 days a week (I tried to take off a Sunday, didn't work), on top of a requirement to be there until 8-9pm daily and occasionally pull all-nighters when there are sales demos (at the office until 7AM the next day - then stayed at work for the next day). I tried to stick it out, and even though I consider myself to have the best work ethic of anyone I know, being at an office nearly 24/7/365 to do basic React work with constantly changing directions/requirements felt pointless to say the least. It wasn't like we were building something with a clear goal in mind - and the founders did nothing. They would shoot hoops with the nerf basketball, leave for 2-3 hours at a time, come back with food, talk, etc.

Anyway, so I quit to find another gig, and in my first interview (YC company, just raised) the CEO says "We work weekends, so it's 7 days a week, just want to make sure that's ok with you".

So my question to the YC community is:

Is this the new norm for YC startups?

YC founders who are requiring 24/7/365 work:

What do you feel you're getting out of it? Better output? Or is it more about a person completely dedicating themselves to you?

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Created 6mo | Sep 11, 2024, 3:20:06 PM

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