Hey HN! What started off as a meme has turned into a passion project and I'm pretty excited about it. As the title suggests, I made a Rock, Paper, Scissors game in React. The twist is the perk shop that you can power yourself up upon wins.
I have a Node web socket backend because it started off as just a PvP experience, but I wanted people to be able to play a solo mode. That's where the Roguelike comes in. I still have plenty of features to go! But for now, it's an endless Roguelike where after each round, you get to upgrade a shop perk to make your character stronger.
I'd love to get some feedback! Feel free to try it out and ask any questions! No login or account needed.
And if you wanna see a quirky short of me putting it together: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/8-ijQkKm3Ds
Comments URL: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=42021380
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