A Go-powered MIDI sequencer

#​532 — November 19, 2024

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Go Weekly

Mailpit: Go-Powered Email and SMTP Testing Tool — A small, fast, efficient and zero-dependency email testing tool and API for developers. It acts as an SMTP server to which mail can be sent and provides a Web interface to read the mails. And being written in Go, it can be compiled to a single binary and put on whichever server you like. GitHub repo.

Ralph Slooten

GoLand 2024.3 Released — The popular (commercial) Go IDE gets its latest big update with multiline AI code completion, improved startup times for large projects, a way to look for cyclic imports, and a way to emulate a terminal in the output console.

Ruslan Akhmetzianov (JetBrains)

Run GitHub Actions Up to 2x Faster at Half the Cost — Blacksmith runs your GitHub Actions substantially faster by running them on modern gaming CPUs. Integrating Blacksmith is a one-line code change. 100+ companies like Ashby, Superblocks, and Slope use Blacksmith to help developers merge code faster.

Blacksmith sponsor

Understanding Command Injection Vulnerabilities in Go — If you’re calling out to system utilities from your code, there are some basic yet essential precautions you can take to avoid security issues, because you certainly don’t want anyone being able to convince your server to run rm or worse..

Liran Tal (Snyk)

▶  Developing a Terminal App in Go with Bubble Tea — A well produced 50-minute screencast walking through the creation of a practical note-taking command line tool using Go and Charm’s Bubble Tea and Lip Gloss for structure, views, and styling.

Package Main


Go sync.Once is Simple, But How Does It Work?“The sync.Once is probably the easiest sync primitive to use, but there’s more under the hood than you might think..”

Phuong Le

Encountering Hyrum's Law in Go — When the author encountered an intriguing comment in Go’s codebase warning others to not change some text due to “Hyrum’s Law”, he had to find out what it was all about.

Abenezer Belachew

📄 Compiling a Go Program Into a Native Binary for Nintendo Switch – Not new, but somehow I missed it at the time, but it’s interesting to see the details. Hajime Hoshi (Ebitengine)

📄 The Go Module Proxy and Forcing Go to Actually Update Module Versions Chris Siebenmann

📄 Migrating from Prisma to sqlc for Better Performance Alexander Belanger

🛠 Code & Tools

Signls: A Non-Linear, Generative MIDI Sequencer — If you like noodling with music, you’ll enjoy this. It’s a Go-powered MIDI sequencer that runs in the terminal (cross-platform) and lets you create dynamic, generative music that evolves and changes over time. The author also created Sektron, a Go-powered MIDI step sequencer. GitHub repo.


WorkOS: Sell to Enterprises with a Few Lines of Code — The modern identity platform for B2B SaaS, offering flexible, easy-to-use APIs to integrate SSO, SCIM, and FGA in minutes instead of months.

WorkOS sponsor

Act: Run Your GitHub Actions Locally — Run act and it looks at your repo’s GitHub Actions, uses Docker to grab the necessary images, and runs the tasks locally.


Git Town: Extra Commands for More Structured Git Usage — Provides additional git commands to automate the creation, synchronization, shipping, and cleanup of branches. Compatible with popular workflows, mono-repos, and trunk-based development. GitHub repo.

Git Town Team

gosax: Libary for XML SAX (Simple API for XML) Parsing — A read-only XML parsing library focused on being ‘efficient and memory-conscious.’

Nao Yonashiro

📰 Classifieds

🤖 Control RAG access with SpiceDB's fine-grained permissions in Go and open source.

Hookdeck: An alternative to Amazon API Gateway + Lambda + SQS. With local dev, debugging, and observability built-in.

Created 3mo | Nov 19, 2024, 6:20:12 PM

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