Ember's smart travel mug with Find My integration is 30 percent off

There are a few things I carry with me at all times in the winter: a hat, gloves, scarf and thermos. The latter provides me with that extra bit of warmth on the coldest days and stops me from buying tea while I'm out. If this sounds like you — and you're looking for an upgrade — then check out the 30 percent discount on the Ember Travel Mug 2+. We're big fans of Ember and have put its products in a few out our gift guides

The Ember Travel Mug 2+ is currently down to $140, from $200, bringing it down to the same price as the mug without Apple Find My. That's right, if you didn't know, one of the biggest perks of the Ember Travel Mug 2+ is that you can locate it through the Find My app on your Apple device. It will also ping if you're trying to locate it. Android users: this is likely a gift rather than something for yourself. 

Along with Apple's Find My technology, the Ember Travel Mug 2+ offers three hours of keeping your drink at a set temperature (between 120 degrees and 145 degrees) or all day if it sits on the charging coaster. Ember also claims the Travel Mug 2+ is leakproof and allows you to drink from any side. Plus, it's IPX7 rated and safe to hand wash — do not put it in the dishwasher. 

I have to admit that $140 is still a lot of money to spend on a travel mug that only keeps drinks warm for three hours. I've spent over $100 less than that on a thermos that keeps my tea hot for 12 hours, no coaster needed. But, if the perks Ember's Travel Mug 2+ brings are worth it then definitely pick one up during this deal.  

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This article originally appeared on Engadget at https://www.engadget.com/deals/embers-smart-travel-mug-with-find-my-integration-is-30-percent-off-154735829.html?src=rss https://www.engadget.com/deals/embers-smart-travel-mug-with-find-my-integration-is-30-percent-off-154735829.html?src=rss
Created 3mo | Dec 18, 2024, 6:10:22 PM

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