Hello HN community!
I'm excited to share K8s Cleaner, a tool designed to help you clean up your Kubernetes clusters.
As Kubernetes environments grow, they often accumulate unused resources, leading to confusion, waste, and clutter. K8s-cleaner simplifies the process of identifying and removing unnecessary components.
The tool scans your Kubernetes clusters for unused or orphaned resources—including pods, services, ingresses, and secrets—and removes them safely. You can fully customize which resources to scan and delete, maintaining complete control over what stays and what goes.
Getting Started:
Visit https://sveltos.projectsveltos.io/k8sCleaner.html and click the "Getting Started" button to try K8s-cleaner.
Key Features:
- Easy to Use: No complex setup or configuration required—perfect for developers and operators alike - Open Source: Modify the code to better fit your specific needs - Community Driven: We welcome your feedback, feature ideas, and bug reports to help improve K8s-cleaner for everyone
I'm here to answer questions, address feedback, and discuss ideas for future improvements.
Looking forward to your thoughts! And make sure your all you kubernetes clusters are sparkling clean for the holidays. :-)
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