During the past weeks, we've been upgrading Symfony websites like symfony.com, live.symfony.com and certification.symfony.com to use AssetMapper instead of Webpack Encore. This blog posts explains how we did it.
Initial Situation: Webpack Encore All Symfony… https://symfony.com/blog/upgrading-symfony-websites-to-assetmapper?utm_source=Symfony%20Blog%20Feed&utm_medium=feed
Some useful Riverpod techniques you can use to initialize async dependencies, show some loading UI, and handle errors during app startup. https://codewithandrea.com/articles/robust-app-initialization-riverpod/
Affected Versions Versions < 2.11.1 are of the symfony/ux-autocomplete package are affected by this security issue. Description Under certain circumstances, an attacker could successfully submit an entity id for an EntityType that is not part of the… https://symfony.com/blog/cve-2023-41336-symfony-ux-autocomplete-prevent-injection-of-invalid-entity-ids-for-autocomplete-fields?utm_source=Symfony%20Blog%20Feed&utm_medium=feed
Symfony has been on a multi-year effort to add all PHP type declarations to its code. After adding parameter types in Symfony 5, and many return types in Symfony 6, we are getting close to end of the initiative in Symfony 7.0. Adding type declarations need… https://symfony.com/blog/symfony-7-0-type-declarations?utm_source=Symfony%20Blog%20Feed&utm_medium=feed
Comparing my Riverpod App Architecture with other popular ones such as MVC, MVVM, Bloc, Stacked, Clean Architecture, and Android App Architecture. https://codewithandrea.com/articles/comparison-flutter-app-architectures/
Since Flutter 3.7, BuildContext has a mounted property that we can check after an asynchronous gap. Here's how to use it. https://codewithandrea.com/tips/flutter-3.7-using-context-mounted/
Article URL: https://blog.physics-astronomy.com/2022/09/astronomers-just-discovered-1-million.html
Comments URL: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=34568445
Points: 38
# Comments: 24
Not sure about anyone else, but I enjoy seeing the posts on side projects making money. Often while reading all of the comments I find new products or services I want, so I buy them and contribute further to that hustle's success. But for every hacker making $100 or more per month with their idea, there are hundreds more working hard, making nothing, struggling to get started. Does that describe you? Maybe the community just needs to hear about what you're offering, what you've been working
Vedle vlastní úspěšné aplikace teď český startup pracuje s nizozemskými investory na novém projektu. Opět bude chtít zlepšovat finanční zdraví.
Article URL: https://pirateweather.net/
Comments URL: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=34329988
Points: 92
# Comments: 12
Article URL: https://citw.dev/tutorial/create-your-own-compiler
Comments URL: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=33759607
Points: 6
# Comments: 0
Forget about billion dollar ideas, I am not even interested in working on million dollar ideas. There are multiple ideas or projects which are left because they don't have potential to scale. They are very specific to a niche set of customers or teams. Many people wanted to work on the solution but dropped off as they had bigger fishes to fry or knew the idea wouldn't scale. But the idea would scale up to a certain limit.
e.g. https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2022/08/man-who-built-isp-i
Article URL: https://github.com/jlevy/the-art-of-command-line
Comments URL: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=33726831
Points: 11
# Comments: 1
Article URL: https://iamkate.com/code/tree-views/
Comments URL: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=33667270
Points: 41
# Comments: 8
Article URL: https://blog.jse.li/posts/torrent/
Comments URL: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=33495328
Points: 27
# Comments: 0
Andrej Karpathy is a legendary AI researcher, engineer, and educator. He’s the former director of AI at Tesla, a founding member of OpenAI, and an educator at Stanford. Please support this podcast by checking out our sponsors: – Eight Sleep: https://www.eightsleep.com/lex to get special savings – BetterHelp: https://betterhelp.com/lex to get 10% off – Fundrise: https://fundrise.com/lex – Athletic Greens: https://athleticgreens.com/lex to get 1 month of fish oil EPISODE LINKS: Andrej’s Twitter: h
The WEBUILD Template has a Responsive layout with 4 Columns and uses an HTML 5 doctype.
<p>It is a Dark on Light design developed by "HTML Codex".</p>
The Lodge Template has a Responsive layout with 3 Columns and uses an HTML 5 doctype.
<p>It is a Dark on Light design developed by "HTML Design".</p>
Article URL: https://discord.com/blog/using-rust-to-scale-elixir-for-11-million-concurrent-users
Comments URL: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=32477012
Points: 23
# Comments: 4
Article URL: https://blog.fredrb.com/2022/07/31/character-encoding-utf8/
Comments URL: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=32299965
Points: 8
# Comments: 5
V prvním roce rozeslal Lukáš Legát, zakladatel firmy Manboxeo, celkem 850 bedýnek. Nyní dárkových boxů nejen pro muže posílá 120 tisíc.
V tomto článku popíšeme v detailu, co je našeptávač a jak přesně funguje. Nahlédnete pod pokličku této vychytávky, která pomáhá uživatelům vyhledávačů, ale také mnoha dalších produktů, které určitě používáte. https://www.root.cz/clanky/naseptavac-sikovny-radce-ktery-ma-na-praci-50-milisekund/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=rss
Service classes are the ideal place to store logic that depends on multiple data sources or repositories. Let's explore them by building a shopping cart feature. https://codewithandrea.com/articles/flutter-app-architecture-application-layer/
Startupy jsou naše srdcovka. Proto vyhlašujeme ocenění, které získají ty nejoblíbenější i nejzajímavější. Nominovat své favority můžete už teď. Příspěvek Spouštíme Startup Awards. Hledáme ty nejlepší startupy Česka, rozhodnete o nich i vy pochází z CzechCrunch
Video z bezpečnostních kamer ukazuje vraždu dvou neozbrojených civilistů ruskými vojáky v autosalonu nedaleko obléhaného Kyjeva v březnu roku 2022. Rusové po exekuci mužů autosalon vyrabovali. Ukrajinci nyní vyšetřují čin jako válečný zločin, uvádí stanice CNN, která video získala. https://www.idnes.cz/zpravy/zahranicni/rusko-ukrajina-vojaci-civiliste-valecny-zlocin-vrazda-zabiti-autosalon.A220512_100509_zahranicni_jhr#utm_source=rss&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=zpravodaj&utm_content=main
Jestli zemřu za podivných okolností, tak jsem vás všechny rád poznal. V pondělí to na Twitteru napsal nejbohatší muž světa Elon Musk, který tak reagoval na slova šéfa ruské kosmické agentury Roskosmos Dmitrije Rogozina. Ten na platformě Telegram prohlásil, že miliardář ponese následky za svou pomoc Ukrajině. https://www.idnes.cz/zpravy/zahranicni/rusko-valka-invaze-ukrajina-elon-musk-dmitrij-rogozin-roskosmos-stralink.A220509_181112_zahranicni_dtt#utm_source=rss&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=zpra
Since Dart 2.17, you can pass arguments to the super class with a new shorthand syntax. Here's how. https://codewithandrea.com/tips/dart-2.17-super-arguments/
Contributed by Yonel Ceruto in #43701.
Symfony bundles provide ready-to-use features to Symfony applications. In some cases, bundles include their own configuration and can even extend the application configuration adding new options. These extension and configuration features are implemented via dedicated classes that extend/implement other Symfony classes. This process is wel
Ever needed to update a value if a given key already exists, or set it if it doesn't? Here's how to use the Map.update() method to solve this. https://codewithandrea.com/tips/dart-map-update-method/
What are some coping skills you use or can recommend to tackle or just mitigate the impending doom that's hanging over our heads? I've noticed I'm becoming more scared, demotivated and depressed as the Ukraine conflict marches on and irrational people make nuclear threats. Comments URL: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=30526022 Points: 38
Comments: 66
"Ruský ministr zahraničí Sergej Lavrov ve středu řekl, že pokud by došlo ke třetí světové válce, zahrnovalo by to jaderné zbraně, a bylo by to destruktivní. Informovala o tom agentura RIA."
Ak su tie ich rakety pripravene tak ako armada, tak je to v klude...
Navážeme na předchozí články o využití šablonovacího systému v jazyce Go. Ukážeme si, jak je možné použít HTML šablony a jak je lze integrovat do služeb postavených na HTTP serveru. https://www.root.cz/clanky/standardni-sablonovaci-system-jazyka-go-a-sablony-html-stranek/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=rss
Celý svět začal šifrovat a skrývat tak komunikaci před nezvanými hosty. Někdy se ale jako správci potřebujeme podívat, co se přenáší. Naštěstí nám s tím může snadno pomoci Wireshark. Ukážeme si, jak na to. https://www.root.cz/clanky/desifrujeme-https-pomoci-nastroje-wireshark/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=rss
Article URL: https://coqui.ai/ Comments URL: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=29786132 Points: 18
Comments: 5
Article URL: https://github.com/babysor/MockingBird Comments URL: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=29711051 Points: 20
Comments: 2
Article URL: https://github.com/jedisct1/minisign Comments URL: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=29660095 Points: 10
Comments: 0
Article URL: https://matklad.github.io//2020/09/20/why-not-rust.html Comments URL: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=29606523 Points: 35
Comments: 11
Article URL: https://github.com/prabhatsharma/zinc Comments URL: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=29434097 Points: 15
Comments: 0
PHP Enumerations, or "PHP enums" for short, is one of the most anticipated new features of PHP 8.1 (released on November 25, 2021). Their most common use case is to group several related values. In previous PHP versions you had to define a series of related constants to achieve that. In PHP 8.1 you can do this:
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 // Defining the enumeration and its values namespace App\Config;
enum TextAlign { case Left; case Ce
A simple Flutter app illustrating how to work with Firestore, Cloud Functions, and the Firebase Local Emulator. https://codewithandrea.com/articles/flutter-tutorial-firebase-cloud-functions/
Contributed by Jérémy Derussé in #43066.
Security Voters are the recommended way to check for permissions in Symfony applications. They allow to centralize the permission logic so you can reuse it from controllers, templates and services. During runtime, whenever Symfony finds a isGranted() method call, it iterates over all the voters, and stops when the configured access decision strategy is met. This wo
Article URL: https://www.quastor.org/p/how-whatsapp-scaled-to-1-billion Comments URL: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=28985169 Points: 36
Comments: 32
Article URL: https://twitter.com/fasterthanlime/status/1452053940024057857 Comments URL: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=28976487 Points: 22
Comments: 2