Mes votes positifs

messages que Mmm7777 considère comme positifs
4y | 21 nov. 2020, 05:03:54
v20.16 - v20.45
  • administrator tools.
  • freelance / service section on homepage

git diff --shortstat ad3ed69f dac8320d 157 files changed, 5398 insertions(+), 1088 deletions(-)

4y | 20 nov. 2020, 01:20:21
Lagoons in Brazil

Tags: Parque Nacional dos Len\u00e7\u00f3is Maranhenses599 points, 52 comments.

4y | 20 nov. 2020, 01:20:28
Another Twitch co-founder is leaving the company, leaving only one

Photo By Stephen McCarthy/Sportsfile via Getty Images

Kevin Lin, a Twitch co-founder, is leaving the company, he announced in a Medium post on Thursday. With Lin’s departure, the only remaining co-founder at Twitch is its CEO, Emmett Shear — co-founders Justin Kan, Kyle Vogt, and Michael Seibel are no longer with the company. Lin also served as Twitch’s chief operating officer from from April 2008 to January 2018, according to his LinkedIn. Lin wasn’t specific about what he plans to do next. “I am looking forward to spending time with family and loved ones, some sleep and relaxation, some fitness, and of course, a lot of video games,” Lin said in his Medium blog. “I’m so excited to stretch my curiosity and to continue exploring a world where technology is a positive amplifier in our lives....

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4y | 15 nov. 2020, 15:36:02
v20.04 - v20.16
  • fullscreen search
  • product detail changed
  • entry detail changed
  • user list changed, users now have last 5 activities in their profile
  • top panel narrowed

git diff --shortstat c4dee26a ad3ed69f 115 files changed, 2580 insertions(+), 1733 deletions(-)