When the Xbox Series X and S launched with its Auto HDR feature late last year, the PC was left out in the cold. That could soon change. Microsoft has begun testing the feature on the PC as part of the Windows 10 Insider Build 21337, and there’s even a cool new split-screen feature that lets you see the differences on your own screen.What’s HDR, more formally known as High Dynamic Range? If you’ve recently purchased a television, chances are it contains HDR support, which offers increased brightness, higher contrast, and a wider color gamut. HDR is used to make everything look better, such as accurately displaying a blazing sun while maintaining dark shadows across other parts of the screen.To read this article in full, please click here https://www.pcworld.com/article/3612109/microsoft-is-testing-auto-hdr-to-improve-non-hdr-windows-pc-games.html#tk.rss_all
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