If you aren’t using a password manager yet, you really need to start, because protecting online accounts has never been more important. To take just one example, a personal email account now contains years of not only correspondence, but also purchase histories, travel plans, and links to other key accounts, including credit cards and banks.You probably also have passwords for banking, home security systems, social media, and digital platforms at work. And on, and on, and on. With all that critical information floating around your digital world, securing that world is extremely important—and that’s where password managers come in. With a password manager, you no longer have to rely on that old (and insecure) trick of using one easily remembered password on multiple accounts.To read this article in full, please click here https://www.pcworld.com/article/3611461/mastering-your-password-manager-5-must-know-tips.html#tk.rss_all
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