Symfony 4.4.21 has just been released. Here is a list of the most important changes:
bug #40598 [Form] error if the input string couldn’t be parsed as a date (@xabbuh) bug #40587 [HttpClient] fix using strea _cop _t _stream() with responses cast to php streams (@nicolas-grekas) bug #40510 [Form] IntegerType: Always use en for IntegerToLocalizedStringTransformer (@Warxcell) bug #40593 Uses the correct assignment action for console options depending if they are short or long (@topikito) bug #40535 [HttpKernel] ConfigDataCollector to return known data without the need of a Kernel (@topikito) bug #40552 [Translation] Fix update existing key with existing +int-icu domain (@Alexis) bug #40537 [Security] Handle properly ‘auto’ option for remember me cookie security (@fliespl) bug #40506 [Validator] Avoid triggering the autoloader for user-input values (@Seldaek) bug #40538 [HttpClient] remove using $htt _respons _header (@nicolas-grekas) bug #40508 [PhpUnitBridge] fix reporting deprecations from DebugClassLoader (@nicolas-grekas) bug #40348 [Console] Fix line wrapping for decorated text in block output (@grasmash) bug #40499 [Inflector][String] Fixed pluralize “coupon” (@Nyholm) bug #40494 [PhpUnitBridge] fix compat with symfony/debug (@nicolas-grekas) bug #40453 [VarDumper] Adds support for ReflectionUnionType to VarDumper (@Michael Nelson, @michaeldnelson) bug #40460 Correctly clear lines for multi-line progress bar messages (@grasmash) bug #40450 [Console] ProgressBar clears too many lines on update (@danepowell) bug #40178 [FrameworkBundle] Exclude unreadable files when executing About command (@michaljusiega) bug #40472 [BridgeTwig] Add ‘form-control-range’ for range input type (@Oviglo) bug #39866 [Mime] Escape commas in address names (@YaFou) bug #40373 Check if templating engine supports given view (@fritzmg) bug #39992 [Security] Refresh original user in SwitchUserListener (@AndrolGenhald) bug #40446 [TwigBridge] Fix “Serialization of ‘Closure’” error when rendering an TemplatedEmail (@jderusse) bug #40425 [DoctrineBridge] Fix eventListener initialization when eventSubscriber constructor dispatch an event (@jderusse) bug #40313 [FrameworkBundle] Fix PropertyAccess definition when not in debug (@PedroTroller) bug #40417 [Form] clear unchecked choice radio boxes even if clear missing is set to false (@xabbuh) bug #40388 [ErrorHandler] Added missing type annotations to FlattenException (@derrabus) bug #40407 [TwigBridge] Allow version 3 of the Twig extra packages (@derrabus) bug #39685 [Mailer][Mime][TwigBridge][Validator] Allow egulias/email-validator 3.x (@derrabus) bug #40398 [FrameworkBundle] : Fix method name compare in ResolveControllerNameSubscriber (@glensc) bug #39733 [TwigBridge] Render email once (@jderusse) bug #40386 [DependencyInjection][Security] Backport psr/container 1.1/2.0 compatibility (@derrabus)
Want to upgrade to this new release? Because Symfony protects backwards-compatibility very closely, this should be quite easy. Use SymfonyInsight upgrade reports to detect the code you will need to change in your project and read our upgrade documentation to learn more. Want to be notified whenever a new Symfony release is published? Or when a version is not maintained anymore? Or only when a security issue is fixed? Consider subscribing to the Symfony Roadmap Notifications.
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