Microsoft unveiled the Surface Laptop 4 on Tuesday with some bold performance claims: The Surface Laptop 4 should surpass the performance of the Surface Laptop 3 by 70 percent or so, or even offer twice the performance under certain scenarios.Does it live up to the hype? Does it ever. Although the difference between the two generations of Surface Laptops narrows during everyday activities, our early tests show the Surface Laptop 4 winning any CPU-intensive tasks by a mile. (If you were eyeing Microsoft’s offer of a free pair of Surface Earbuds for each Surface Laptop 4 pre-ordered on or before April 15, this may provide some incentive!)Microsoft will begin shipping the Surface Laptop 4 on April 15 in both of its traditional display sizes: 13.5-inch and 15-inch. Inside you’ll have a choice of two microprocessors: either the 11th-gen (Tiger Lake) Core chip from Intel, or the Surface Edition processor codesigned by Microsoft and AMD, and based on AMD’s Ryzen 4000 mobile CPUs (Zen 2 architecture). While the Intel CPUs are off-the-shelf, the Surface Edition processors are upclocked parts that you can find in no other notebooks on the planet. See our original news story for the prices, specifications, and configurations of each Surface Laptop 4.To read this article in full, please click here
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