Contributed by Kevin Bond in #40449.
Tailwind CSS is the most popular utility-first CSS framework. Its unique (and odd-looking at first) philosophy is making it a resounding success and it’s reshaping the way many applications manage their CSS. Symfony includes ready-to-use themes to make your forms match the look and feel of other popular frameworks such as Bootstrap and Foundation. That’s why in Symfony 5.3 we’ve added a new Tailwind CSS theme for Symfony forms. The new theme is based on Tailwind CSS 2.x and its official Tailwind CSS form plugin. Due to the nature of Tailwind CSS, there’s an unlimited number of ways to style forms. That’s why the form theme applies the absolute minimum styles to make them usable and also provides customization options for each form field part. Start by applying the theme to some form: 1 2 3 4 5 6{% form_theme form 'tailwind_2_layout.html.twig' %}
{% block body %} <h1>User Sign Up:</h1> {{ form(form) }} {% endblock %}
Then, you can customize each part of the form field using the *_class options: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8{{ form_row(form.username, { row_class: 'mt-2 px-3 ...', label_class: 'font-semibold text-gray-600 ...', error_item_class: 'text-red-700 ...', widget_class: 'border border-gray-200 bg-gray-50 ...', widget_disabled_class: 'border-dashed text-gray-200 ...', widget_errors_class: 'border-double border-red-500 bg-red-50 ...', }) }}
If you want to apply the same styles to different fields and/or forms, you don’t have to repeat the same custom styles over and over again. Instead, create your own form theme based on the Tailwind CSS theme as follows: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14{# templates/form/theme.html.twig #} {% use 'tailwind_2_layout.html.twig' %}
{% block form_row %} {% set row_class = row_class|default('mt-2 px-3 ...') %} {{ parent() }} {% endblock form_row %}
{% block form_label %} {% set label_class = label_class|default('font-semibold text-gray-600 ...') %} {{ parent() }} {% endblock form_label %}
{# ... #}
Then, register and use this theme in your application the same as any other custom Symfony form theme.
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