Symfony 5.2.7 has just been released. Here is a list of the most important changes:
bug #41008 [Security] Do not try to rehash null-passwords (@tjveldhuizen) bug #40993 [Security] [Security/Core] fix checking for bcrypt (@nicolas-grekas) bug #40923 [Yaml] expose references detected in inline notation structures (@xabbuh) bug #40964 [HttpFoundation] Fixes for PHP 8.1 deprecations (@jrmajor) bug #40919 [Mailer] use correct spelling when accessing the SMTP php.ini value (@xabbuh) bug #40514 [Yaml] Allow tabs as separators between tokens (@bertramakers) bug #40882 [Cache] phpredis: Added full TLS support for RedisCluster (@jackthomasatl) bug #40872 [DependencyInjection] [AliasDeprecatedPublicServicesPass] Noop when the service is private (@fancyweb) bug #40802 [FrameworkBundle] Fix array controller link in debug:router (@fancyweb) bug #40793 [DoctrineBridge] Add support for a driver type “attribute” (@beberlei) bug #40807 RequestMatcher issue when _controller is a closure (@Plopix) bug #40811 [PropertyInfo] Use the right context for methods defined in traits (@colinodell) bug #40791 [WebProfilerBundle] Use ControllerReference instead of URL in twig render() (@Foxprodev) bug #40330 [SecurityBundle] Empty line starting with dash under “acces _control” causes all rules to be skipped (@monteiro) bug #40780 [Cache] Apply NullAdapter as Null Object (@roukmoute) bug #40740 [Cache][FrameworkBundle] Fix logging for TagAwareAdapter (@fancyweb) bug #40755 [Routing] Better inline requirements and defaults parsing (@Foxprodev) bug #40754 [PhpUnitBridge] Fix phpunit symlink on Windows (@johnstevenson) bug #40660 [Form] Fix ‘invali _message’ use in multiple ChoiceType (@alexandre-daubois) bug #40707 [Yaml] Fixed infinite loop when parser goes through an additional and invalid closing tag (@alexandre-daubois) bug #40698 [Console] Add Helper::width() and Helper::length() (@Nyholm, @grasmash) bug #40679 [Debug][ErrorHandler] Avoid warning with Xdebug 3 with develop mode disabled (@Jean85) bug #40702 [HttpClient] allow CurlHttpClient on Windows (@n0rbyt3) bug #40503 [Yaml] fix parsing some block sequences (@a1812) bug #40610 Fixed bugs found by psalm (@Nyholm) bug #40603 [Config] Fixed support for nodes not extending BaseNode (@Nyholm) bug #40658 [RateLimiter] Fix sleep value (@jderusse) bug #40645 [FrameworkBundle] Dont store cache misses on warmup (@Nyholm) bug #40629 [DependencyInjection] Fix “url” env var processor behavior when the url has no path (@fancyweb) bug #40655 [Cache] skip storing failure-to-save as misses in ArrayAdapter (@nicolas-grekas) bug #40522 [Serializer] Allow AbstractNormalizer to use null for non-optional nullable constructor parameters without default value (@Pierre Rineau) bug #40595 add missing queu _name to find(id) in doctrine messenger transport (@monteiro) bug #40619 [FrameworkBundle] dont access the container to configure htt _cache (@nicolas-grekas)
Want to upgrade to this new release? Because Symfony protects backwards-compatibility very closely, this should be quite easy. Use SymfonyInsight upgrade reports to detect the code you will need to change in your project and read our upgrade documentation to learn more. Want to be notified whenever a new Symfony release is published? Or when a version is not maintained anymore? Or only when a security issue is fixed? Consider subscribing to the Symfony Roadmap Notifications.
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