Symfony 5.3.0-BETA4 has just been released. Here is a list of the most important changes:
security #cve-2021-21424 [Security][Guard] Prevent user enumeration (@chalasr) feature #41178 [FrameworkBundle] Introduce AbstractController::renderForm() instead of handleForm() (@lyrixx) feature #41182 [DependencyInjection] allow PHP-DSL files to be env-conditional (@nicolas-grekas) bug #41177 [DependencyInjection] fix empty instanceof-conditionals created by AttributeAutoconfigurationPass (@nicolas-grekas) bug #41176 [DependencyInjection] fix dumping service-closure-arguments (@nicolas-grekas) bug #41174 [Console] Fix Windows code page support (@orkan) bug #41173 [Security] Make Login Rate Limiter also case insensitive for non-ascii user identifiers (@Seldaek) bug #41170 [DependencyInjection] Don’t try to load YamlFileLoader if it’s not actually needed (@nicolas-grekas) bug #41168 WDT: Only load “Sfjs” if it is not present already (@weaverryan) feature #36864 [Messenger] Ability to distinguish retry and delay actions (@theravel) bug #41164 [FrameworkBundle] fix debug:event-dispatcher and debug:firewall (@nicolas-grekas) feature #41161 [HttpClient] Add DecoratorTrait to ease writing simple decorators (@nicolas-grekas) bug #41147 [Inflector][String] wrong plural form of words ending by “pectus” (@makraz) bug #41160 [HttpClient] Don’t prepare the request in ScopingHttpClient (@nicolas-grekas) bug #41156 [Security] Make Login Rate Limiter case insensitive (@jderusse) bug #41155 [Translation] Improved Translation Providers (@welcoMattic) feature #40927 [Translation] Added Lokalise Provider (@welcoMattic) feature #40926 [Translation] Added PoEditor Provider (@welcoMattic) bug #41137 [Security] Reset limiters on successful login (@MatTheCat) bug #41148 [Runtime] fix defining _SERVER[AP _ENV] (@nicolas-grekas) bug #40758 [Security] NullToken signature (@jderusse) bug #40763 Fix/Rewrite .gitignore regex builder (@mvorisek)
Want to upgrade to this new release? Because Symfony protects backwards-compatibility very closely, this should be quite easy. Use SymfonyInsight upgrade reports to detect the code you will need to change in your project and read our upgrade documentation to learn more. Want to be notified whenever a new Symfony release is published? Or when a version is not maintained anymore? Or only when a security issue is fixed? Consider subscribing to the Symfony Roadmap Notifications.
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