Discover the first Keynotes and more talks at SymfonyWorld 2021

Join us next month for SymfonyWorld 2021! We've announced last Monday the first selected speakers of the international conference on June 17 and 18. We can't wait to meet you for an entire week of Symfony:

2-day online pre-conference workshops on June 15-16 2-day online conference with 2 tracks per day on June 17-18

The entire event, workshops and conference will be organized in English. All talks will have English subtitles and will be available in replay as soon as the conference ends.

Meet now the first selected Keynotes and more speakers of the SymfonyWorld 2021 conference:

Stefan Koopmanschap, PHP developer, consultant and trainer, will speak at the closing Keynote on the first day of the conference, on June 17, about "You're not in IT". You may think you're in the IT business but think again. You are actually in the learning business. If you don't learn, you fall behind. Let's go on a journey through 20+ years of PHP experience and look at some key learnings and why it is important to learn. Benjamin Eberlei, Chief Performance Detective, will talk about "What's new in Doctrine 2021?. This talk will cover the changes, new features and improvements across the Doctrine ecosystem over the last 12 month and an outlook over what is (probably) coming in 2021. Topics include DBAL 3, Deprecations, Annotations vs Attributes, New Features in recent ORM versions and our roadmap. François Zaninotto will speak at the opening Keynote on the second day of the conference, on June 18, about "Towards Digital Sustainability". The digital activity accounts for 4% of the total carbon emissions worldwide - roughly as much as planes. Who is responsible for that ? For the most part, developers like you and me. It means it's our job to track, analyze and reduce the carbon emissions of the software we develop. Except it's a hard problem and they aren't many tools available for that. In this talk, I'll go over the why, the when and the how we should work on building more sustainable software. It's not one of these talks about climate change that put you in a horrible mood for the next month - rather the type of talk with tips that you can start using right away to improve your practice, and make the world a better place. Jan Schädlich, Lead Developer PHP/Symfony, will talk about "Symfony Notifier Demystified". The Notifier Component is marked stable with the Symfony 5.3 release. A good time to have a closer look at how the Symfony Notifier works and what you can do with it.

All the pre-conference workshop topics have been announced! Choose your workshop now among a combo of two one-day workshops or one two-day workshops:

Building modular and interactive applications with Symfony UX by trainer Titouan Galopin, 1-day workshop on June 15th. RESTful Webservices in Symfony by trainer Jan Schädlich, 1-day workshop on June 15th. Profiling Symfony & PHP apps by trainer Jérôme Vieilledent, 1-day workshop on June 16th. API development with API Platform by trainer Kévin Dunglas, 1-day workshop on June 16th. Symfony Security in Depth by trainer Andreas Hucks, 1-day workshop on June 16th. Mastering OOP & Design Patterns by trainer Hugo Hamon, 2-day workshop on June 15-16. Symfony 5: the fast track by trainer Nicolas Grekas, 2-day workshop on June 15-16.

Book now your workshop only ticket, combo workshop and conference ticket or conference only ticket! Join us there!

More speakers will be announced soon, stay tuned!

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Établi 4y | 12 mai 2021 à 16:20:12

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