Symfony 6.0.10 has just been released. Here is the list of the most important changes since 6.0.9:
- bug #46779 [String] Add an invariable word in french (@lemonlab)
- bug #46765 [Serializer] Fix denormalization union types with constructor (@Gwemox)
- bug #46769 [HttpKernel] Fix a PHP 8.1 deprecation notice in HttpCache (@mpdude)
- bug #46760 Fix double authentication via RememberMe resulting in wrong RememberMe cookie being set in client (@heiglandreas)
- bug #46735 [Messenger] Do not log the message object itself (@ajardin)
- bug #46748 [Security] Fix legacy impersonation system (@dunglas)
- bug #46747 Fix global state pollution between tests run with ApplicationTester (@Seldaek)
- bug #46730 [Intl] Fix the IntlDateFormatter::formatObject signature (@damienalexandre)
- bug #46668 [FrameworkBundle] Lower JsonSerializableNormalizer priority (@aprat84)
- bug #46711 [PhpUnitBridge] Exclude from baseline generation deprecations triggered in legacy test (@mondrake)
- bug #46678 [HttpFoundation] Update "[Session] Overwrite invalid session id" to only validate when files session storage is used (@alexpott)
- bug #45861 [Serializer] Try all possible denormalization route with union types when ALLOW_EXTRA_ATTRIBUTES=false (@T-bond)
- bug #46676 [DoctrineBridge] Extend type guessing on enum fields (@Gigino Chianese)
- bug #46699 [Cache] Respect $save option in all adapters (@jrjohnson)
- bug #46697 [HttpKernel] Disable session tracking while collecting profiler data (@nicolas-grekas)
- bug #46704 Allow passing null in twig_is_selected_choice (@raziel057)
- bug #46684 [MonologBridge] Fixed support of elasticsearch 7.+ in ElasticsearchLogstashHandler (@lyrixx)
- bug #46646 [Messenger] move resetting services at worker stopped into listener (@Thomas Talbot)
- bug #46368 [Mailer] Fix for missing sender name in case with usage of the EnvelopeListener (@bobahvas)
- bug #46603 [Mailer] Fix Error Handling for OhMySMTP Bridge (@paul-oms)
- bug #46545 Fix getting class constraints on debug command (@loic425)
- bug #46548 [Mime] Allow url as a path in the DataPart::fromPath (@wkania)
- bug #46576 Fix choice filter error when loading mix of grouped and non-grouped choices (@BreyndotEchse)
- bug #46594 [FrameworkBundle] Fix XML cache config (@HeahDude)
- bug #46610 [Messenger] use the outermost wrapping DBAL connection (@xabbuh)
- bug #46595 [Console] Escape in command name & description from getDefaultName() (@ogizanagi)
- bug #46608 [Console] Fix deprecation when description is null (@HypeMC)
- bug #46574 [Console] Escape in command name & description from PHP (getDefault* methods) (@ogizanagi)
- bug #46577 [Serializer] Fix ignore attribute in Xml files (@alamirault)
- bug #46565 [WebProfilerBundle] Fix dark theme selected line highlight color & reuse css vars (@ogizanagi)
- bug #46525 [Serializer] Get attributeContext after converting name (@zenas1210)
- bug #46535 [Mime] Check that the path is a file in the DataPart::fromPath (@wkania)
- bug #46543 [Cache] do not pass null to strlen() (@xabbuh)
- bug #46515 [PropertyInfo] Fix extracting int range type (@norkunas)
- bug #46478 [Contracts] remove static cache from ServiceSubscriberTrait (@kbond)
Want to upgrade to this new release? Because Symfony protects backwards-compatibility very closely, this should be quite easy. Use SymfonyInsight upgrade reports to detect the code you will need to change in your project and read our upgrade documentation to learn more.
Want to be notified whenever a new Symfony release is published? Or when a version is not maintained anymore? Or only when a security issue is fixed? Consider subscribing to the Symfony Roadmap Notifications.
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