Show HN: Online OPML editor to manage subscription lists

I made a small online editor to manage OPML[1] files easily. There are a lot of smart online editors for formats like JSON, but while OPML is supported by most subscriptions services, the experience of editing/managing it is poor outside of what each platform support. The pain of managing the file independently increases as the size of the OPML file grow larger.

It's rather simple at the moment but the goal is to provide shortcuts for common desired tasks to make the experience of editing OPML much smoother and streamlined.

The editor is a static website that runs locally in your browser, it doesn't require an account, nor do any tracking.

Let me know your feedback or if you've any pain points around OPML

GitHub repo:


[1] -

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Points: 8

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Établi 6mo | 23 juin 2024 à 00:10:13

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