Casetify has launched a new anime collection, this time based on the popular mecha series Gundam. And just like its collaboration with Neon Genesis Evangelion, its new collection of mobile accessories comes with an AirPods Pro case designed to look like a robot's head. Specifically, it looks like the head of the RX-78-2 Gundam, the mobile suit piloted by Amuro Ray from the first Gundam anime that aired in 1979. It is quite enormous and not easy to carry around, but the smaller RX-78-2 Gundam Hard Shell Case is, and it fits inside the 3D robot head along with your AirPods.
In addition to what's considered the centerpiece of the collection, Casetify's Gundam's accessories include phone cases, wireless chargers and grip stands as well as MacBook and iPad covers. Their designs reflect the motifs of the RX-78-2 Gundam and the MS-06S Char's Zaku II, the mobile suit piloted by Char Aznable from Mobile Suit Gundam: The Origin. That means you can choose from products representing the Earth Federation and the Principality of Zeon, the two factions at war in the original show.
You can sign up to be waitlisted for Casetify's Gundam collection on the company's Co-Lab website starting on November 29. The collection goes on sale on December 9, but collaboration items tend to sell out quickly. It's probably wise to get yourself on the waitlist if you're looking to buy any of them, especially the 3D AirPods Pro case.
This article originally appeared on Engadget at pour ajouter un commentaire
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