Qualcomm has launched a new platform that will put Copilot+ PCs in reach of more people. Snapdragon X, the latest addition the brand's Snapdragon X Series that also include the X Elite and the X Plus, comes with Qualcomm's 8-core Oryon CPU and an integrated Adreno GPU. The company says it can run up to 163 percent faster than its competitors' comparable platforms, that its neural processing unit can run AI tasks on device more efficiently and that it enables a lengthy (even multi-day) battery life.
There are apparently over 60 computer models powered by the platform in development and in production at various manufacturers already, including Acer, Asus, Dell, HP and Lenovo. These companies are expected to launch the first batch of Snapdragon X products early this year, with more than 100 models coming by 2026.
The devices will be priced in the $600 range, making them a viable option for a lot of people looking to buy a new computer. They won't be just laptops either — Qualcomm says buyers can expect Snapdragon X-powered mini PCs, as well, and will announce more details soon. The company believes Snapdragon X devices will be a "good solution for students, freelance workers and budget-conscious consumers who need a reliable and powerful laptop."
This article originally appeared on Engadget at https://www.engadget.com/computing/qualcomms-snapdragon-x-chip-will-power-more-affordable-copilot-pcs-104029263.html?src=rss https://www.engadget.com/computing/qualcomms-snapdragon-x-chip-will-power-more-affordable-copilot-pcs-104029263.html?src=rssConnectez-vous pour ajouter un commentaire
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