Show HN: New search engine and free-FOIA-by-fax-via-web for US veteran records

Hi HN. I'm the president and founder of a small non-profit called Reclaim The Records that identifies historical and genealogical materials and data sets held by government agencies, archives, and libraries -- and then returns them to the public domain, for free public use.

Back in September 2017, our organization made a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request to the US Department of Veterans Affairs (the VA) asking for a copy of a database they maintain called "BIRLS", which stands for the Beneficiary Identification Records Locator Subsystem. While it's not exactly an index of every single post-Civil-War veteran of every branch of the US military, it's possibly the closest thing that exists to it.

BIRLS is a database that indexes all the known-to-the-VA-in-or-after-the-1970s *veterans' benefits claims files*, also called C-Files or sometimes XC-Files. Older veterans' claims files have been moved to the National Archives (NARA), such as the famous Civil War pension files. But 95% of the later benefits claim files, from the late nineteenth century up to today, are still held at the VA, in their warehouses, and still haven't been sent to NARA.

And even if you know these files exist, the VA really doesn't make it easy to get them. The Veterans Benefits Administration (VBA) group within the VA only seems to accept FOIA requests for copies of C-Files by fax (!) and also seems to have made up a whole new rule whereby you have to have an actual wet ink signature on your FOIA request, not just a typed letter.

Well, seven years and one very successful FOIA lawsuit in SDNY against the VA later, we at Reclaim The Records are very proud to announce the acquisition and first-ever free public release of the BIRLS database, AND that we built a new website to make the data freely and easily searchable AND that we even built a free FOIA-by-FAX-API system (with a signature widget, to get around the dumb new not-FOIA rules!) built into our website's search results, that makes it much, much easier for people to finally get these files out of the VA warehouses and into your mailbox. :-)

We also added the ability to do searches through the data for soundalike names, abbreviated names, common nicknames, wildcards, searches by date of birth or death, or ranges of birth and death years, or search by SSN, or by branch(es) of services, or by gender...

For a lot more information about our FOIA lawsuit against the VA for the database, including copies of our court papers and the SDNY judge's order:

As for the tech stuff, actually building the website, the search engine, and its FOIAing capability...well, it has been a pretty fun project to build.

The BIRLS dataset was eventually provided to us by the VA (several years after we originally asked for it...) as a large zip file which, when decompressed via the command line, yielded the hilarious file name of *Redacted_Full.csv*. I then loaded the cleaned CSV data into a MySQL database, and then used a modified version of the Apache Solr search engine to index the data, so that it could become searchable by soundalike names (using Beider-Morse Phonetic Matching), nicknames (using Solr's synonyms feature), partial names (using wildcards), with dates converted to ISO 8601 format to enable both exact date and date range searches, and various other search criteria.

The front-end of the website is built with Nuxt and hosted on Digital Ocean's App Platform, with backups of the FOIA request data on the cloud storage service Wasabi. The fax interface for submitting FOIA requests is powered by the Notifyre API. We use Mailchimp to send e-mail newsletters, and their product Mandrill for programmatic e-mail sending. We use Sentry for error monitoring, Better Stack for server logging, and TinyBird to collect FOIA submission analytics.


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Établi 1mo | 13 janv. 2025 à 13:20:07

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