How to Unit Test AsyncNotifier Subclasses with Riverpod 2.0 in Flutter

AsyncNotifier is great. But how do we write unit tests for it? Here are all the details and a template you can follow to test your AsyncNotifier subclasses.

How to use Notifier and AsyncNotifier with the new Flutter Riverpod Generator

A step-by-step tutorial showing how to migrate code using StateProvider and StateNotifier to the new Notifier and AsyncNotifier classes.

How to Auto-Generate your Providers with Flutter Riverpod Generator

Thanks to the new Riverpod Generator package, we no longer have to declare providers manually. This guide explains how to use the new @riverpod syntax.

Flutter Bottom Navigation Bar with Nested Routes using GoRouter vs Beamer: A Comparison

How to implement bottom navigation with nested routes in Flutter using the GoRouter and Beamer packages (example app with source code included).

How to Store API Keys in Flutter: --dart-define vs .env files

An overview of different techniques for storing API keys on the client, along with security best practices to prevent them from being stolen.

How to Read Localized Strings Outside the Widgets using Riverpod

How to access localized strings outside your widgets without a BuildContext, by creating a locale-aware AppLocalizations provider using Riverpod.

How to fix "SocketException: Connection failed (Operation not permitted)" with Flutter on macOS

Flutter apps built for macOS need a client network entitlement in order to make network requests. Here's how to configure it.

Functional Error Handling with Either and fpdart in Flutter: An Introduction

Fpdart aims to bring all the main types found in functional languages to Dart. Here we focus on the Either type and learn how to use it for robust error handling.

Functional Error Handling with Either and fpdart in Flutter: An Introduction

If we want to make it explicit when a function can throw or return an error in Dart, we can use the Result type rather than throwing an exception. Here are all the details.

Flutter Exception Handling with try/catch and the Result type

In Dart, we can use the Result type to make it explicit when a function can return an error, rather than throwing an exception. Here's an overview of the pros and cons.

