Looks like… 253 of them. I love the little water ⥾ spout one. (U+297e). Because. And I like how it’s a fairly useful little site at a great domain and with a little business model behind it. Reminds …
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Whether you are just starting out on the front end, or you’ve been doing it for a long time, building a tool that can generate some cool front-end magic can help you learn something new, develop your skills and maybe …
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A few days ago, Chris wrote up his thoughts about how alert(), confirm(), and prompt() were being deprecated by Chrome and collected a bunch of thoughts from developers. If certain features can essentially be turned off by …
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Now that we’ve seen that web components and interactive web components are both easier than you think, let’s take a look at adding them to a content management system, namely WordPress. There are three major ways we can add them. …
The post Using Web Components in WordPress is Easier Than You Think appeared first on CSS-Tricks. You can support CSS-Tricks by being an MVP Supporter.
Heck of a CSS trick here from Dongsung Kim.
There are hidden HDR videos playing at the corners of this page. When a HDR-capable browser encounters one, it switches to HDR mode. For some reason, CSS backdrop-filter + brightness >100%
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Have you ever wished you could see the HTML source of a web page while on a mobile browser, which generally doesn’t offer that feature? If you have a desktop machine around, there are ways, but what I mean …
The post View Source (on Mobile) appeared first on CSS-Tricks. You can support CSS-Tricks by being an MVP Supporter.

We took a surface level look at Pipedream the other day, which really does look cool. It’s like a much more modern and fancy version of what Yahoo Pipes was. A better comparison might be Zapier, except you …
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You’ll often hear developers talking about “static” vs. “dynamic” sites, or you may have heard someone use the term Jamstack. What do these terms mean, and when does a “static” site become either a Jamstack or dynamic site? These …
The post Static vs. Dynamic vs. Jamstack: Where’s The Line? appeared first on CSS-Tricks. You can support CSS-Tricks by being an MVP Supporter.

Have you ever wished you could see the HTML source of a web page while on a mobile browser, which generally doesn’t offer that feature? If you have a desktop machine around, there are ways, but what I mean …
The post View Source (on Mobile) appeared first on CSS-Tricks. You can support CSS-Tricks by being an MVP Supporter.

(This is a sponsored post.) Got a WooCommerce store? It behooves you to offer a variety of payment methods. Just anecdotally, I’m sure both you and me have been annoyed and even abandoned purchases when a merchant, online or …
The post WooCommerce With Apple Pay and Google Pay appeared first on CSS-Tricks. You can support CSS-Tricks by being an MVP Supporter.