How to Monitor Core Web Vitals and Take Action with Raygun

Raygun is an error and performance monitoring software for websites and mobile apps. In the case of websites, you install their JavaScript snippet onto your site, which takes 2 seconds, and now you’ve got monitoring in place. Why? Well now …

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4y | CSS tricks
Sending Large Files

I’ve got a podcast that will be 10 years old this coming January! Most of those episodes have one or more guests (plus me and Dave). Despite fancy modern options for recording podcasts with guests, like or Zencastr…

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4y | CSS tricks
List Markers and String Styles

Lists—we’ve all worked with them in one form or another. I’m talking about HTML’s and . Much of the time, because we desire styling control, we turn off the list’s markers completely with list-style-type: none, and start …

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Your Team is Not “Them”

This post was written for engineering managers, but anyone is welcome to read it. Let’s talk for a moment about how we talk about our teams. This might not seem like something that needs a whole article dedicated to it, …

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4y | CSS tricks
How to Create Actions for Selected Text With the Selection API

Click, drag, release: you’ve just selected some text on a webpage — probably to copy and paste it somewhere or to share it. Wouldn’t it be cool if selecting that text revealed some options that make those tasks easier? That’s …

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Shared Element Transitions

I was just Hoping for Better Native Page Transitions, and Bramus commented that Chrome is working on something. Looks like it has some fresh enthusiasm for it, as there is a brand new repo, and you can literally …

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A Complete Guide to Custom Properties

Everything important and useful to know about CSS Custom Properties. Like that they are often referred to as "CSS Variables" but that's not their real name.

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4y | CSS tricks
Exploring color-contrast() for the first time.

I saw in the release notes for Safari Technical Preview 122 that it has support for a color-contrast() function in CSS. Safari is first out of the gate here. As far as I know, no other browser supports this yet …

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Eliminating five top compatibility pain points on the web

Robert Nyman and Philip Jägenstedt:

Google is working with other browser vendors and industry partners to fix the top five browser compatibility pain points for web developers. The areas of focus are CSS Flexbox, CSS Grid, position: sticky, 

The post Eliminating five top compatibility pain points on the web appeared first on CSS-Tricks. You can support CSS-Tricks by being an MVP Supporter.

4y | CSS tricks
Using New Gatsby Source WordPress Plugin

In my previous article, I discussed how I learned to create a decoupled WordPress powered Gatsby site using the Gatsby Source WPGraphQL plugin. The project was done following the ongoing developmental version of WPGraphQL and an excellent tutorial by Henrik …

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