Go 1.19 is released!

The Go Blog

Go 1.19 is released!

The Go Team
2 August 2022

Today the Go team is thrilled to release Go 1.19, which you can get by visiting the download page.

Go 1.19 refines and improves our massive

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Vulnerability Management for Go

The Go Blog

Vulnerability Management for Go

Julie Qiu, for the Go security team
6 September 2022

We are excited to announce Go’s new support for vulnerability management, our first step towards helping Go developers learn about known vulne

2y | Golang
Go Developer Survey 2022 Q2 Results

The Go Blog

Go Developer Survey 2022 Q2 Results

Todd Kulesza
8 September 2022

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Go runtime: 4 years later

The Go Blog

Go runtime: 4 years later

Michael Knyszek
26 September 2022

Since our last blog post about the Go GC in 2018 the Go GC, and the Go runtime more broadly, has been steadily improvin

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Thirteen Years of Go

The Go Blog

Thirteen Years of Go

Russ Cox, for the Go team
10 November 2022

Today we celebrate the thirteenth birthday of t

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Share your feedback about developing with Go

The Go Blog

Share your feedback about developing with Go

Alice Merrick, for the Go team
18 January 2023

Happy 2023! For seven years, the Go Team has conducted a regular survey of Go developers. The results of this survey have help

2y | Golang
Share your feedback about developing with Go

The Go Blog

Share your feedback about developing with Go

  Todd Kulesza, for the Go team
  1 June 2022

  For the past six years the Go team has conducted an annual survey of Go

developers. The results of this survey have helped the team plan and prioritize large changes to the Go ecosystem, such as dependency management, the gopls language server, and most recently, generics. We want Go to be increasingly usable by and useful

3y | Golang
Go Developer Survey 2021 Results

The Go Blog

Go Developer Survey 2021 Results

  Alice Merrick
  19 April 2022

  A huge thank you to the community for the amazing response!

In 2021, we ran the Go Developer Survey from Oct 26th to Nov 16th and had 11,840 responses—the largest turnout so far in the 6 years we’ve been running the survey! Thank you for putting in the time to provide the community with these insights on your experiences using Go. Highlights

Most r

3y | Golang
When To Use Generics

The Go Blog

When To Use Generics

  Ian Lance Taylor
  12 April 2022


This is the blog post version of my talks at Google Open Source Live:

and GopherCon 2021:

The Go 1.18 release adds a major new language feature: support for generic programming. In this article I’m not going to describe what generics are nor how to use them. This article is about when to use generics in Go code, and when not to u

3y | Golang
Get familiar with workspaces

The Go Blog

Get familiar with workspaces

  Beth Brown, for the Go team
  5 April 2022

  Go 1.18 adds workspace mode to Go, which lets you work on multiple modules

simultaneously. You can get Go 1.18 by visiting the download page. The release notes have more details about all the changes. Workspaces Workspaces in Go 1.18 let you work on multiple modules simultaneously without having to edit go.mod files for each module. Each mo

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