Ask HN: Why is Pave legal?

If you haven't heard of it, Pave is a YC-backed startup that helps startups with compensation. I can't actually access the system so I'm speaking from hearsay and what's information on public parts of their website. The way I understand it works is that you connect Pave to your HR and Payroll systems, they take the data about who you employ and how much you pay them, combine it with all their other companies, and give companies a collective breakdown of compensation ranges.

My question is,

6mo | Hacker news
Is 7 days a week the new norm (for YC)?

I've worked for 2 major YC companies and done some one-off/contract work in recent years at a few others here in SF. Really like the startups coming out of YC.

I had to unfortunately voluntarily quit the last on-site contract due to it being 7 days a week (I tried to take off a Sunday, didn't work), on top of a requirement to be there until 8-9pm daily and occasionally pull all-nighters when there are sales demos (at the office until 7AM the next day - then stayed at work for the next day)

6mo | Hacker news
