SafeArea widegt and Attributes,

The SafeArea widget in Flutter is used to automatically adjust its child widgets to avoid overlapping with system overlays such as the status bar, bottom bar, or notch area. It ensures that the content within it is visible and does not get obstructed...

Expanded Widget and Attributes

The Expanded widget in Flutter is used within a Row, Column, or Flex to expand a child widget to fill the available space along the main axis. It's commonly used to create flexible layouts where widgets can dynamically adjust their sizes based on ava...

Wrap widget and Attributes

The Wrap widget in Flutter is used to display its children in multiple rows or columns based on the available space. It automatically wraps its children to the next line when they exceed the width or height of the available space. Attributes:


Default Value and Type Conversion In Dart

What are Default value: Default values are those value which are assigned to the IDE before we initialize any datatype. These default values are Null and does not return any output, Or In other Words if we does not provide value to variable, it will ...

Good or Bad for Flutter App Development?

Cross-platform mobile application development has become more and more common in recent years, as the trend has shifted. In its capacity as an app development platform, it has evolved to meet the demands of progressive companies. Android and iOS are ...

[Flutter] Architectural Overview

Flutter는 구글이 출시한 크로스 플랫폼 GUI 애플리케이션 프레임워크이다. 하나의 코드로 Android, iOS 뿐만 아니라 Windows, Linux, macOS 및 웹 브라우저까지 지원해주는 만큼, (심지어 러닝 커브도 낮다!) 내부 설계가 꽤나 복잡하게 되어있다. 오늘은 이 글을 정리해보며 플러터 아키텍쳐 계층의 일부를 살펴보고, 더욱 깊은 이해를 기반한 좋은 애플리케이션을 개발 할 수 있는 초석을 다져나가보고자 한다. (전부 정리해...

Compiling Flutter Engine Locally - Web engine (Part III)

In this part, we will try building Web engine and also handle some errors that may happen during the build. We will use felt tool for this. Before using it, let's add it to your PATH environment variables. The path would be: ENGINE_ROOT/src/flutter/l...

PageView widget and Attributes

The PageView widget in Flutter is used to create a scrollable list of pages, each of which occupies the entire screen. It's commonly used for implementing screen slides, such as image slideshows or onboarding screens. Attributes:

children (List<Widg...

Cross-platform success: .NET MAUI vs Flutter for business growth

Modern businesses are constantly seeking efficient solutions to deliver seamless and visually appealing experiences across multiple platforms. As the demand for cross-platform frameworks rises, developers find themselves at a crossroads, deliberating...

What’s New in 2024 Volume 1: Flutter

TLDR: Explore the new features added to Syncfusion’s Flutter widgets and the vivid Material 3 theme support in the 2024 Volume 1 release. Welcome to a whirlwind of excitement! Brace yourself as the [Syncfusion Flutter](
