Implement Dark Mode in Flutter using Riverpod

Hey Gang, In this article we will see how to add custom theme data for your flutter app and switch between light and dark themes using Riverpod. We have seen quite a lot of apps supporting dark mode feature. The reason being

Dark mode can reduce e...

Ternary operator in Dart

Ternary Conditional Operators are a pretty useful thing in Dart. They can be used to conditionally show a Flutter widget. They accept 2 operands. If the given condition is true, the first thing will be executed and if it is false, it will execute the...

Flutter Web Quickstart

Flutter Engage was an Awesome Event. It brought us a lot of News, but particularly interesting ones were the availability of All 6 Platforms on the Stable Channel. While I don’t think All of those are production-ready, It’s still amazing to see the a...

Everything about Flutter 2.0

On Wednesday, 3rd March 2021, the Flutter Engage Day we have the arrival of flutter 2.0. In this blog, I am going to discuss the key features of this update. Firstly, flutter has closed nearly 5807 issues, 4091 PRs merged, and a total of 298 contrib...

Why should you use isolates in Flutter?

There are many ways to manage state in Flutter, but most of them are built in such a way that all the logic is executed in the main isolate of your application. Execution of network requests, working with WebSocket, potentially heavy synchronous oper...

How to add your own custom icons in your Flutter application made easy.

Hello everyone and welcome to a brand new tutorial on Flutter. Today, we’re going to learn how to create our own custom icons in flutter and use them in our applications . If you want to know more about some cogent flutter Tricks and Tips and How to...

Sound Null Safety: make better apps with Flutter!

Hi everyone in this article I want to dive deeper into one of the recent announcements made in the Flutter Engage Event: Sound Null Safety. Any of you who have programmed at least once in your life will surely have encountered an error or exception r...

Why is the @protocol a game-changer for Flutter developers?

Flutter-Engage , which took place on March 3, brought together the global developer community unlike any other event I have seen in the past. It reminded me of the glory days of Apple when people awaited every new WWDC with bated breath and blocked t...

📱 My journey to releasing my first app - #3 💻 The Tech

My app HookMeUp is now deployed on the PlayStore, feel free to download it HERE! I wanted to share the process I used from idea to actually releasing the app. You can find the first article of this series about the ideation HERE, or the second one ab...

The TimeToLive (TTL) attribute

Introduction The @ protocol various attributes that can be set on the metadata of a key. Time To Live (TTL) is one such attribute. Please refer to the AtMetadata class for the complete list of metadata attributes. By using TTL one can create self-d...
