Migrating an old Flutter project to the latest version.

Flutter is continuously upgrading, and if you have any years old project, it is necessary to keep your project upgraded with the latest versions. This comprehensive guide will be just enough for you to upgrade all your projects to the latest versions... https://blog.ankurgupta.study/migrating-an-old-flutter-project-to-the-latest-version

A Step-by-Step Guide to Converting a Website to a Flutter App with Code

Mobile apps are very important for online businesses. Most businesses, despite owning websites, create apps that meet their customers’ needs in order to remain relevant. Most of these apps are simple to use for customers, and if the onboarding proces... https://nikhilsomansahu.hashnode.dev/guide-to-converting-a-website-to-a-flutter-app-with-code

How to Use Extensions to Elevate Your Bloc State Functionality

Introduction Extension methods add functionality to existing libraries and there're many examples about this in a lot of articles. Common uses are for shortening buildcontext methods. Example, Theme.of(context).colorScheme becomes context.theme.color... https://sibylsystems.com/how-to-use-extensions-to-elevate-your-bloc-state-functionality

Input Autocomplete using simple HTML

Exploring HTML: A Guide to Autocomplete Input The HTML element provides a simple yet powerful way to enhance user interaction with input fields, allowing for autocomplete suggestions. This element is especially useful when you wa... https://rahulsharmaah.hashnode.dev/input-autocomplete-using-simple-html

Dart on the Server: Exploring Server-Side Dart Technologies in 2024

Dart, primarily known for powering Flutter, has been steadily gaining traction on the server side. Inspired by the many Reddit threads with people asking about the state of server-side Dart, I decided to check out the latest state of server-side Dart... https://dinkomarinac.dev/dart-on-the-server-exploring-server-side-dart-technologies-in-2024

Understanding the Role of Stateful Widgets in Flutter: When and Why to Choose Them

Flutter, Google's UI toolkit for building natively compiled applications for mobile, web, and desktop from a single codebase, relies heavily on widgets to create interactive user interfaces. Among these widgets, two main categories exist: stateless a... https://nikhilsomansahu.hashnode.dev/stateful-widgets-in-flutter-when-and-why-to-choose-them

Flutter Smooth Page Indicator: A Seamless Navigation Experience

In the field of developing mobile apps, designing a user interface that is easy to use and intuitive is crucial. Not only should navigating between screens or pages be practical, but it should also look good. A multitude of plugins and packages are a... https://nikhilsomansahu.hashnode.dev/flutter-smooth-page-indicator

Implementing a Singleton Pattern in Dart

In object-oriented programming, the Singleton pattern is a design pattern that ensures a class has only one instance and provides a global point of access to that instance. This pattern is particularly useful when you want to coordinate actions acros... https://everythingflutter.com/implementing-a-singleton-pattern-in-dart

Empowering UI: Unveiling the Server-Driven Approach

Hey everyone 👋, everything that used long ago, comes back as new in the present day, like clothing styles 👕 and many more. In this blog, I am going to talk about SDUI (Server Driven User interface), which is under the hood using the old traditional... https://codago.blogs/empowering-ui-unveiling-the-server-driven-approach

Flutter vs React Native - which one should you choose and why?

Development of a Mobile App for both Eco-system Android or IOS is a basic necessity now as if not then you might be missing many users for your product. Development of Apps for both Ecosystems can be a tough task if your developer does not have very ... https://justaman045.hashnode.dev/flutter-vs-react-native-which-one-should-you-choose-and-why
