Contributed by Alexandre Daubois in #41994.
In Symfony 5.2 we added a feature to define validation constraints as PHP attributes. Attributes were very recent at that time, because they had just been added to PHP 8.0. The only caveat was that you couldn't nest PHP attributes, so you couldn't use them with constraints such as AtLeastOneOf and Collection. Thankfully, PHP 8.1, released on November 25, 2021, a
Contributed by Jérémy Derussé in #43066.
Security Voters are the recommended way to check for permissions in Symfony applications. They allow to centralize the permission logic so you can reuse it from controllers, templates and services. During runtime, whenever Symfony finds a isGranted() method call, it iterates over all the voters, and stops when the configured access decision strategy is met. This wo
In the past weeks, we've announced the first, the second and the third round of speakers (and the workshops) of the upcoming SymfonyWorld Online 2021 Winter Edition conference (December 9-10, 2021). Today we are announcing five additional speakers and talks.
How Math, Science, and Star Trek Explain the Value of Team Diversity The greatest asset of open source software is the ability to fork and improve. In this session, Fredric Mitchell explores the mathematical algorithms and scientific studie
As announced at the end of September, Symfony Flex is Going Serverless. If you have a project using Symfony 4+ full-stack framework, there is a high chance that it is using Symfony Flex. Symfony Flex automatically configures packages when you install or upgrade them via official or contributed recipes. The way we serve the recipes is changing, and you need to upgrade the symfony/flex package to take advantage of this change. First, check that you are using Flex using this command:
Symfony 5.4 and Symfony 6.0 will be released simultaneously at the end of November 2021. According to the Symfony release process, both versions will have the same features, but Symfony 6.0 won't include any deprecated features. This is the first article of the series that shows the most important new features introduced by Symfony 5.4 and 6.0 versions.
Contributed by Wouter De Jong
in #42251.
Symfony Con
This week, Symfony 4.4.33 and 5.3.10 maintenance versions were released. Meanwhile, Symfony development activity focused on finishing and polishing many new features for the upcoming Symfony 5.4 and 6.0 versions. Lastly, we announced new speakers for the SymfonyWorld Online 2021 Winter Edition conference (December 9-10, 2021) and some new additions to the Symfony Backers program.
Symfony development highlights
This week, 143 pull requests were merged (126 in code and 17 in docs) and 70 issues
Symfony 5.3.10 has just been released. Here is a list of the most important changes: bug #43798 [Dotenv] Duplicate $_SERVER values in $_ENV if they don't exist (@fancyweb) bug #43799 [PhpUnitBridge] fix symlink to bridge in docker by making its path relative (@nicolas-grekas) bug #43801 [TwigBundle] fix auto-enabling assets/expression/routing/yaml/workflow extensions (@nicolas-grekas) bug #43790 [String] Fix inflector for "zombies" (@acodispo) bug #43781 [Messenger] Fix TraceableMessageBus imple
Symfony 4.4.33 has just been released. Here is a list of the most important changes: bug #43798 [Dotenv] Duplicate $_SERVER values in $_ENV if they don't exist (@fancyweb) bug #43799 [PhpUnitBridge] fix symlink to bridge in docker by making its path relative (@nicolas-grekas) bug #43781 [Messenger] Fix TraceableMessageBus implementation so it can compute caller even when used within a callback (@Ocramius) bug #43655 [VarDumper] Fix dumping twig templates found in exceptions (@event15) bug #43484
In the past weeks we've announced the first and the second round of speakers, and the workshops of the upcoming SymfonyWorld Online 2021 Winter Edition conference (December 9-10, 2021). Today we are announcing four additional speakers and talks.
From big ball of mud to clean architecture with Symfony In this talk, Rolando Caldas will show you how they faced the problem of applications that grow too fast while keeping Symfony as a framework on which to develop the product. See how the transforme
A few weeks ago we introduced the Symfony Sponsoring Program as a new way to help make the Symfony project development sustainable. The response so far has been enthusiastic and many new companies have joined the the program. In addition to the five initial sponsors that we mentioned on our previous post (,, JoliCode, Private Packagist and SensioLabs), we've added the following:, a team of 50+ Symfony experts who can help you design, develop and fix y