A Week of Symfony #758 (5-11 July 2021)

This week, Symfony development activity focused on adding more types, including union types, to all components in the upcoming 6.0 version. Meanwhile, Symfony 5.4 added support for the scalar backed enumerations defined by PHP 8.1.

Symfony development highlights

This week, 62 pull requests were merged (57 in code and 5 in docs) and 34 issues were closed (30 in code and 4 in docs). See details for code and docs.

4.4 changelog:

2ed8a90: [Console, DependencyInjection] tighten types ba7

4y | Symfony
A Week of Symfony #757 (28 June - 4 July 2021)

This week, Symfony 4.4.26, 5.2.11 and 5.3.3 maintenance versions were released. Meanwhile, Symfony deprecated the configuration of tags on RegisterListenersPass and continued adding types, including union types when possible, across the entire codebase.

Symfony development highlights

This week, 69 pull requests were merged (66 in code and 3 in docs) and 37 issues were closed (34 in code and 3 in docs). See details for code and docs.

4.4 changelog:

e2d33fb: [Filesystem] workaround ca

4y | Symfony
Symfony 4.4.26 released

Symfony 4.4.26 has just been released. Here is a list of the most important changes:

bug #41893 [Filesystem] Workaround cannot dumpFile into “protected” folders on Windows (@arnegroskurth) bug #41665 [HttpKernel] Keep max lifetime also when part of the responses don’t set it (@mpdude) bug #41760 [ErrorHandler] fix handling buffered SilencedErrorContext (@nicolas-grekas) bug #41807 [HttpClient] fix Psr18Client when allo _ur _fopen=0 (@nicolas-grekas) bug #40857 [DependencyInjecti

4y | Symfony
Symfony 5.2.11 released

Symfony 5.2.11 has just been released. Here is a list of the most important changes:

bug #41893 [Filesystem] Workaround cannot dumpFile into “protected” folders on Windows (@arnegroskurth) bug #41896 [Messenger] fix FlattenExceptionNormalizer (@nicolas-grekas) bug #41242 [SecurityBundle] Change information label from red to yellow (@94noni) bug #41665 [HttpKernel] Keep max lifetime also when part of the responses don’t set it (@mpdude) bug #41760 [ErrorHandler] fix handling buff

4y | Symfony
Symfony 5.3.3 released

Symfony 5.3.3 has just been released. Here is a list of the most important changes:

bug #41910 [Security] Handle concurency in Csrf DoctrineTokenProvider (@jderusse) bug #41881 Fix SessionTokenStorage reuse with Request (@jderusse) bug #41893 [Filesystem] Workaround cannot dumpFile into “protected” folders on Windows (@arnegroskurth) bug #41896 [Messenger] fix FlattenExceptionNormalizer (@nicolas-grekas) bug #41242 [SecurityBundle] Change information label from red to yellow (&#

4y | Symfony
A Week of Symfony #756 (21-27 June 2021)

This week, Symfony development activity focused on fixing bugs across its entire codebase. Meanwhile, the ephemeral Symfony online store announced that it will close at the end of the month. Don't miss this last opportunity to get your official Symfony swag!

Symfony development highlights

This week, 52 pull requests were merged (49 in code and 3 in docs) and 77 issues were closed (72 in code and 5 in docs). See details for code and docs.

4.4 changelog:

6a4dcde: [HttpFoundation] allo

4y | Symfony
Our ephemeral online shop closes at the end of the month!

We created the Symfony ephemeral online shop in June 2020 during the pandemic to allow everyone from anywhere in the world to buy Symfony’s swags and support the community.

We want to thank all of you for your enthusiasm with this shop; it was an absolute pleasure to send elephpants and other swags to people all over the world.

However, it is now time to announce that we will close the Symfony online shop at the end of the month.

Until then, we have decided to extend our Summer sale until Jun

4y | Symfony
A Week of Symfony #755 (14-20 June 2021)

This week, Symfony 5.3.2 was released to address a potential security issue related to authentication. In addition, Symfony celebrated the SymfonyWorld Online 2021 Summer Edition conference with great success. During the conference, the Symfony UX initiative introduced the new Twig components and Live components.

Symfony development highlights

This week, 30 pull requests were merged (15 in code and 15 in docs) and 23 issues were closed (17 in code and 6 in docs). Excluding merges, 25 authors m

4y | Symfony
Last day to enjoy our Summer Sale on all certifications and our Symfony Store!

Our Summer Sale on all Symfony and Twig certifications and most of our items from the Symfony Store ends tonight, on June 18th 2021 at Midnight (Paris time UTC+2).

Our special 30% discount on all the following dedicated Symfony products end very soon, don't miss our discounts:

All Symfony and Twig certifications using the code CERTIF_30_JN until June 18th 2021. Your certification voucher is valid a year from the date of purchase. Buy it now and take the exam when you are ready: tomorrow, in a

4y | Symfony
Symfony 5.3.2 released

Symfony 5.3.2 has just been released. Here is a list of the most important changes:

security #cve-2021-32693 [SecurityHttp] Fix “Authentication granted with multiple firewalls” (@wouterj) bug #41693 [Uid] fix performance and prevent collisions with the real cloc _seq (@nicolas-grekas) bug #41700 [Security] Fix deprecation notice on TokenInterface::getUser() stringable return (@tscni) bug #41703 [Security] Restore extension point in MessageDigestPasswordEncoder (@derrabus) bug #4

4y | Symfony

