My choice of operating system

Since my article The flaws of distro hopping and asking other people about their OS of choice I have had a number of people writing to me asking for my specific advice regarding their choice of operating system, both for personal usage and for business usage. Last night I received yet another email from someone in the US who wrote to me about a difficult situation they where facing in the choice of operating system for their business usage. So I have decided to write a little bit about it. Howev

11mo | unixsheikh
Will the ranting on this website ever stop?

Admittedly, I do occasional rant on this website - sorry! Feel free to only read the tutorials, avoid my website all together, put it in your ad blockers spam list, or simply block it on your firewall :) No one is forcing you to read any of it if you don't want to.

11mo | unixsheikh
Tips on how to structure your home directory

Someone wrote me an email and asked if I could share some tips on how to structure the $HOME directory, so here we go.

11mo | unixsheikh
One of the most basic requirements for success is also one of the most difficult to get right

Throughout my life I have been involved in many different projects and exciting endeavors, not only computer or technology related, but also within other "spheres of life". Often a project has many different requirements for success, but one thing is almost a universal constant, you have to surround yourself with the right people.

11mo | unixsheikh
Two simple ways to version control your MariaDB schema changes

Version controlling (also called revision control or source control) your database data is pretty easy as long as you don't have any binary content stored in the database, you just commit your SQL dump to the version control software, it's just SQL in plain text. But what about database schema changes? In this small tutorial I'll address two simple ways you can version control your MariaDB schema changes without using any third party tools.

11mo | unixsheikh
The proper design process in web development

Today web developers are told that in order to do so-called modern web development they need to use JavaScript frameworks because they are an essential part of modern front-end web development. What a load of rubbish!

11mo | unixsheikh
Bethesda's Starfield is a disgrace to game development and a slap in the face to gamers

Nowadays PC gamers are used as guinea pigs when big gaming titles are released with major bugs, major performance issues, and other similar problems. Even though PC gamers are used as guinea pigs, they still often have to pay full price for the games as well. Game development has turned into a circus and Bertheda's latest title Starfield is a disgrace, not only to game development itself, but also to the gaming community.

11mo | unixsheikh
We have used too many levels of abstractions and now the future looks bleak

A big percentage of so-called experts today only know how to configure tools, but they understand nothing about how things work at the deeper level. This is a real challenge and a big problem for the future.

11mo | unixsheikh
The main differences between OpenBSD, FreeBSD, NetBSD and DragonFly BSD

People who consider trying out one of the different BSD variants, OpenBSD, FreeBSD, NetBSD or DragonFly BSD, often ask about the main differences between the four projects. In this article I am going to address that issue.

11mo | unixsheikh
Upgrading to FreeBSD 14 - how to fix a broken BIOS bootcode

A lot of people running ZFS zroot have managed to break their FreeBSD systems upgrading from 13.2 to the new 14.0 release because of a broken BIOS bootcode. In this tutorial I'll show you how you can fix that without having to reinstall.

11mo | unixsheikh

