Policajny prezident vycleni ludi z policie, na sledovanie ludi, sledovanie sa deje vo volnom case, asi aby to nebolo oficialne (ked by na to prisli) a toto vsetko je platene z dani... dozivotie je malo ...
V skratke vam za vase dane nevysetruju danove podvody, ale vytipuju si firmy, ktore tieto podvody robia, aby ich vypalovali ... uznajte, ze bez dani, by takato vec nebola mozna...
Vsetko za pritomnosti policajneho prezidenta, myslim, ze tieto veci by sa nemali zabudnut... dozivotie je prilis malo...
Categories now have recommended products (in currency you choose)
git diff --shortstat 319863f8 169dbcc1 57 files changed, 801 insertions(+), 299 deletions(-)
Each post now have ability to upvote/downvote/bookmark direct from posts list. Developed with Svelte. Some parts of code reorganized.
git diff --shortstat 5fd1df4f 319863f8 86 files changed, 1827 insertions(+), 1353 deletions(-)
Number of changed lines:
git diff --shortstat 893f7b15ab4650051723786906518fb4425a7b8c df50fe98554b510b1c5c98586c775f57f3f54538
5604 files changed, 348443 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
Total number of commits:
git rev-list --all --count
git gc
Counting objects: 55683, done. Delta compression using up to 4 threads. Compressing objects: 100% (17423/17423), done. Writing objects: 100% (55683/55683), done. Total 55683 (delta 41984), reused 47021 (delta 36721)
- css changes, most difficult part of whole "project development"
git diff --shortstat 8d0b4043 5fd1df4f 114 files changed, 2016 insertions(+), 1644 deletions(-)
cmd.exe /c ".\main.exe < .\text.txt"
- map improvements. Now you can see details about your things / services / people around you.
git diff --shortstat 67650d37 8d0b4043 32 files changed, 405 insertions(+), 185 deletions(-)
easy to read, short, simple rules, 3/5
- user has price next to their nick in user list (minimum price to cooperate with someone), it is more informative than real
- products now have recommendation in bottom of webpage (most similar list of products)
- css changes (this is never ending circle)
git diff --shortstat 25e1e45b 5a6e033c 60 files changed, 720 insertions(+), 323 deletions(-)
pocuvatelne video
Sudy, ovplyvnovanie, pitovci... dane su nutne, bez nich by to nebolo mozne :).