Some LOC (lines of code) statistics
based on
find . -type f ! -path './vendor/' ! -path './node_modules/' ! -path './.git/' ! -name '.log' ! -path './bin/' ! -path './var/' -name '*.svelte' | xargs wc -l
for different file extensions in niftycent.com project
scss - 5665 php - 110311 go - 6029 python - 1124 svelte - 2774 html.twig - 43120 (ignoring lot of configurations for database, web server, other packages...logging etc...)
Project is still not finished, lack
Not directly speeding up your website, but for "good feeling".
psalm - https://psalm.dev/docs/ php inspections - https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/7622-php-inspections-ea-extended-
novy kalendar na zobrazenie aktivity v kazdom detaile aktivity

lahko rozsiritelne o funkcie ⏭️
Od dnesneho dna (21.09.) sa pre uzivatela automaticky detekuje jazyk a po potvrdeni uzivatelom, ze ho chce mat nastaveny ako "default", sa nastavi.
Podobne sa vam v prispevkoch zobrazia prispevky, aj na zaklade tohto jazyka.
Pre nastavenie si jazyka treba ist na uvodnu stranku a nasledne do "nastaveni".
RSS feed added to niftycent groups. In the right menu, you can find RSS icon, so you can read news in your RSS reader. For example:
- channels, users now can chat in realtime
- graphically improved groups
- reviews of offers, services, users, followers
- mini change in lists (every kind of list)
- daily discount again visible
- small fix in offer add/edit
- notification fixed and improved (new view of notifications) ...
Tens of new ideas is in queue. Everyday is there 2-3 new releases.
Do you have any idea to improve something?
Join and DM me.
Aky je vas doposial najvacsi projekt v php?
Mate skusenosti s napriklad 1m online uzivatelov?
Pre synchronizaciu suborov napriec zariadeniami (podpora minimalne windows/linux/android)
Firefox doplnok - https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/block-website/
Blokne stranku na ktoru chodite casto..
V mojom pripade aktualne "oddychujem" od:
- youtube
- hacker news
- hnonline
Relativne novy film. "Pohlad" do zakulisia velkych firiem (google, fb, twitter), skusenosti ex-zamestnancov..
.message-content{ white-space: break-spaces;
rsync -a --delete empty/ x
chrome.exe --ignore-certificate-errors --unsafely-treat-insecure-origin-as-secure=https://www.devdomain.com/
V pripade, ze stranka pouziva nejaku fixed header a pri presuvani sa na anchor element, je dany element prekryty danym fixed elementom, tak je mozne pouzit:
.scrolled {scroll-margin-top: 6em;}
dany anchor sa odskroluje zhora
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