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messages de Tomas_r2
Why is Elon Musk weighing in on Germany’s upcoming election?

The German government accused U.S. billionaire Elon Musk on Monday of trying to influence its election due in February with articles supporting

How the Aurelia Institute is designing a self-assembling space station

The next housing boom will happen above Earth. Replacements for an aging International Space Station (ISS) slated for a 2030 decommission, NASA’s Artemis mission returning humans to the moon and possibly Mars, and a burgeoning lunar economy are spurring teams of engineers and designers to reimagine habitats for extended living and working in space.

Most of the next-generation space stations vying to expand the ISS’s 11-person capacity and eventually replace it, feature fixed, rigid

Top 10 Digital Marketing Trends For 2025 via @sejournal, @gregjarboe

Get ready for the future of digital marketing. Explore the top trends and predictions that will shape the industry in the coming year.

The post Top 10 Digital Marketing Trends For 2025 appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

Mravenci porážejí lidi v kooperativní geometrické hádance

Lidé a mravenci jsou v podstatě jediní, kdo dokáže systematicky spolupracovat při přepravě velkých nákladů, které značně přesahují velikost jejich těla. Radikální mezidruhový experiment s lidmi a „šílenými“ mravenci Paratrechina longicornis ukázal, že při individuálním řešení problému stěhování klavíru mají sice lidé navrch, ale v kooperativním módu vítězí mravenci.

25d |
WordPress Developer Publishes Code To Block Mullenweg’s Web Hosting Clients via @sejournal, @martinibuster

WordPress developer releases code that prevents themes & plugins from activating on sites hosted on Matt Mullenweg's web hosting platform

The post WordPress Developer Publishes Code To Block Mullenweg’s Web Hosting Clients appeared first on Search Engine Journal.


Google CEO Describes A 2025 Beyond A Search Box via @sejournal, @martinibuster

Google CEO outlines 2025 plan to make AI apps like Gemini the interface for how users search. What does it mean for publishers and SEO?

The post Google CEO Describes A 2025 Beyond A Search Box appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

Fukušima I na prahu roku 2025

Největším úspěchem tohoto roku bylo úspěšné odebrání vzorky ztuhlé taveniny z aktivní zóny druhého reaktoru. Velmi úspěšně proběhl první rok vypouštění tritiové vody. Zlomem je i spuštění prvního varného reaktoru, kterým je blok Onagawa 2. Japonsko se vrátilo k energetické koncepci postavené na rozvoji kombinace jaderných a obnovitelných zdrojů.

25d |
Meet the mad scientist of headphones, whose wild designs electrify Reddit

The standard shape for big, chunky headphones has long been a rainbow with Moon Pies at either end. No rule exists, however, forcing audio companies to keep making them that way.

Philip Kaplan, the tech entrepreneur behind Tiny Letter and DistroKid, has b

Voice Search SEO: How Does It Work? via @sejournal, @BennyJamminS

Stay ahead with voice search SEO. Understand the rise of voice assistants and how they are changing the way people search.

The post Voice Search SEO: How Does It Work? appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

Filogelos – pozdně antická sbírka řeckých vtipů

Většinou nepůjde o kdovíjakou vtipnost. Někdy se zasmějeme aspoň tomu, čemu se tenkrát lidé smáli, jak už to u starých vtipů bývá. Něco je snad přece jenom nadčasové. A místo blondýn nebo policajtů jsou nejčastějším terčem scholastici, takže to je vlastně korektní a nepodvratné.

26d |
Top 5 nových dinosaurů z roku 2024

…aneb Ohlédnutí za uplynulým rokem v dinosauří paleontologii

26d |
30 MW generátor na vodík Jupiter One je nejvýkonnější a největší svého druhu

Čína mohutně investuje do zelené energetiky. Kromě Slunce a větru mají v zorném poli i vodík. Mingyang Smart Energy s dalšími čínskými hráči vyvinuli masivní 30 MW generátor poháněný vodíkem Jupiter One. Jeho deset spalovacích komor spolyká asi 25 Hindenburgů vodíku za hodinu.

26d |
Got an Apple computer for Christmas? Here are 6 apps and games to try with that new Mac

So you woke up on Christmas morning to a new Mac. Perhaps it’s the miraculous M4 Mac mini, or maybe it’s the stunning M4 Pro MacBook Pro complete with the nano texture display. No matter which Mac you unwrapped, you’re probably itching to try out

How the H1-B visa is causing strife within Trump’s coalition

An online spat between factions of Donald Trump’s supporters over immigration and the tech industry has thrown internal divisions in

Tech investor Cathie Wood on how Trump can boost the U.S. economy

U.S. tech investor Cathie Wood is calling on Donald Trump’s incoming administration to boost economic growth and policy certainty by backdating promised corporate and personal

Breaking up is hard to do: Chunking in RAG applications

A look at some of the current thinking around chunking data for retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) systems.

Wikipedia And SEO: Everything You Need To Know via @sejournal, @MattGSouthern

Explore the impact of Wikipedia on SEO and Google's Knowledge Graph. Discover how to use Wikipedia for keyword research, content planning, and successful internal linking.

The post Wikipedia And SEO: Everything You Need To Know appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

People who visit adult or gambling websites double their risk of malware

Visiting adult and gambling websites doubles the risk of inadvertently installing malware onto work devices, according to a new study.

Fabio Massacci at the University of Trento and Vrije University in Amsterdam presented the findings of a massive analysis of real-life data from around the world. The purpose was to try and identify what actions people make online that can result in their systems becoming clogged up with ma

How to put down your phone in 2025

There are certain social media rules we can all agree on: Ghosting a conversation is impolite, and replying “k” to a text is the equivalent of a backhand slap (violent, wrong, and rude). But what about the rest of the rules? When can we really remind someone of our old Venmo request? What happens when someone tries to flirt with you on LinkedIn?

Fortunately, terminally online writers Delia Cai and St

7 Content Writing Trends For 2025 via @sejournal, @ronlieback

Explore the latest content writing trends. Learn how to use them to create valuable and engaging content that stands out and attracts readers.

The post 7 Content Writing Trends For 2025 appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

Balancing business and open source in 2024

During the holidays, we’re releasing some highlights from a year full of conversations with developers and technologists. Enjoy! We’ll see you in 2025.

A rising tide of e-waste threatens our health, the environment and the economy

Our growing reliance on technology at home and in the workplace has raised the profile of e-waste. This consists of discarded electrical devices including laptops, smartphones, televisions, computer servers, washing machines, medical equipment,

28d | The Next Web
Major Outage Hits OpenAI ChatGPT via @sejournal, @martinibuster

Major ChatGPT outage may be the largest ever. Both ChatGPT and the API completely down while SORA is only partially affected

The post Major Outage Hits OpenAI ChatGPT appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

Čínští Pudu Robotics vypustili humanoida D9, který chůzí předhoní člověka

Výrobci robotů Pudu Robotics vstupují na trh s humanoidy se svým novým D9. Robot zhruba o výšce, váze a chůzi člověka by se mohl uplatnit například při úklidu nebo při manipulaci se zbožím ve skladech či obchodech. Unese 20 kg, poradí si se schody i svahy a jeho vysokou autonomii zajišťuje dnes již nezbytná umělá inteligence.

28d |
AI is helping students with disabilities. Schools worry about the risks

For Makenzie Gilkison, spelling is such a struggle that a word like rhinoceros might come out as “rineanswsaurs” or sarcastic as “srkastik.”

The 14-year-old from suburban Indianapolis can sound out words, but her dyslexia makes the process so draining that she often struggles with comprehension. “I just assumed I was stupid,” she recalled of her early grade school years.

But assistive technology powered by artificial intelligence has he

Cyberattack hits Japan Airlines, delaying flights for holiday travelers

Japan Airlines said it was hit by a cyberattack Thursday, causing delays to more than 20 domestic flights but the carrier said it was able to stop the onslaught and restore its systems hours later. There was no impact on flight safety, it said.

JAL said the problem started Thursday morning when the company’s network connecting internal and external systems b

An ex-OpenAI exec and futurist talks about AI in 2025 and beyond

Welcome to AI DecodedFast Company’s weekly newsletter that breaks down the most important news in the world of AI. You can sign up to receive this newsletter every week here.

This week, I’m dedicating the newsletter to a conversation I had recently with the futurist

Záhadné milinovy jsou doposud neznámým typem hvězdných erupcí

Vědci vystopovali v datech Optical Gravitational Lensing Experiment (OGLE) celkem 29 objektů doposud neznámého typu v Magellanových oblacích, zřejmě těsných dvojhvězd bílého trpaslíka a podobra, které vytvářejí erupce asi tisíckrát slabší než typické novy. Pojmenovali je milinovy.

29d |
Why social media influencers are going to have a very big 2025

As 2024 rolls into 2025, big changes are potentially afoot in the world of social media. TikTok is potentially weeks away from closure in the United States. X (the app formerly known as Twitter) continues to deviate from the mainstream under its ownership by Elon Musk. And in its place,

Why Making A Good YouTube Video Is Hard (For Businesses) via @sejournal, @BennyJamminS

Discover the secrets of creating compelling YouTube videos for your business. Learn how to attract audiences when producing your own videos and foster creativity.

The post Why Making A Good YouTube Video Is Hard (For Businesses) appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

Revolutionizing Marketing: The Rise Of Situational Content Strategies via @sejournal, @Juxtacognition

Adapt your content strategy to the complexities of modern decision-making. Explore situational content strategies and connect with audiences in the right moment.

The post Revolutionizing Marketing: The Rise Of Situational Content Strategies appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

YouTube has a new plan to combat clickbait

Thumbnails play the YouTube equivalent of a movie poster, aiming to draw your attention to click and watch when you have hundreds of videos clogging your recommended content. Most of us have been baited to click on a video thanks to a flashy title and enticing thumbnail, only to be disappointed when the actual content has nothing to do with what the headline promised. 

Using attention-grabbing (often misleading) thumbnails and titles has become a standard practice on YouTube. Howev

CFS hodlají vybudovat první komerční fúzní elektrárnu ve Virginii

Startup Commonwealth Fusion Systems velmi ambiciózně plánuje spuštění první komerční a k síti připojené fúzní elektrárny, která bude využívat kompaktní tokamak typu ARC s pokročilými supravodivými magnety, na počátek třicátých let. Vyrůst by měla v areálu James River Industrial Center v Chesterfield County, stát Virginie.

29d |