20xdip for 30 days

Befejezett | Mártások

Each days, make at least 20 dips, at least for 5 in a row (5 dips without break).

Kezdő dátum : 2021. okt. 29.
Befejezés dátuma : 2021. nov. 29.
Típus : Egészség
Állapot: Jóváhagyott
Előrehalad : 600 / 600 - 100%
Calories per step: 2
Total burned calories: 1200 / 1200 Napi átlag: 10.34

Mmm7777 added +20 and burned 40 calories on 3y
2021. dec. 26. 10:53:22
Mmm7777 added +20 and burned 40 calories on 3y


2021. dec. 25. 14:28:42
Mmm7777 added +20 and burned 40 calories on 3y
2021. dec. 24. 16:11:59
Mmm7777 added +20 and burned 40 calories on 3y


2021. dec. 22. 16:07:42
Mmm7777 added +20 and burned 40 calories on 3y


2021. dec. 20. 10:58:02
Mmm7777 added +20 and burned 40 calories on 3y


2021. dec. 18. 10:11:41
Mmm7777 added +20 and burned 40 calories on 3y


2021. dec. 14. 15:06:37
Mmm7777 added +20 and burned 40 calories on 3y
2021. dec. 12. 9:36:17
Mmm7777 added +20 and burned 40 calories on 3y


2021. dec. 10. 6:39:25
Mmm7777 added +20 and burned 40 calories on 3y
2021. dec. 9. 14:05:53