Detail: strap included Color: blueCut: regular fitFastening: zipper and buttonBelt height: medium waistMaterial: 65% cotton, 33% lyocell, 2% elastaneModel measures: 176 cmModel weighs: 55 kgModel wear
Detail: strap included Color: blueCut: regular fitFastening: zipper and buttonBelt height: medium waistMaterial: 65% cotton, 33% lyocell, 2% elastaneModel measures: 176 cmModel weighs: 55 kgModel wear
Kollekció:Tavasz/Nyár<br />
Fajta:Férfi<br />
Tipológia:Rövidnadrág<br />
Zár:gombokcipzár<br />
Zsebek:5<br />
Anyag:pamut 99%elasztán 1%<br />
Tarka:egyszínű<br />
Mosás:30 ° C-on mosható<br />
Colour: light blueCut: regular fitBelt height: medium waist Fastening: zipper and buttonMaterial: 100% cotton
Colour: light blueCut: regular fitBelt height: medium waist Fastening: zipper and buttonMaterial: 100% cotton
Colour: light blueCut: regular fitBelt height: medium waist Fastening: zipper and buttonMaterial: 100% cotton