Big Summer Sale on all certifications and most items from the Symfony Store

We're excited to announce our Summer Sale on all Symfony and Twig certifications and most of our items from the Symfony Store! Until June 18th 2021, you'll benefit from 30% on all items mentioned below!

Hurry up, we offer, during 2 weeks, a special 30% discount on all the following dedicated Symfony products:

All Symfony and Twig certifications using the code CERTIF_30_JN until June 18th 2021. Your certification voucher is valid a year from the date of purchase. Buy it now and take the exam w

4y | Symfony
SymfonyWorld Online 2021 Summer Edition is in 2 weeks

The SymfonyWorld Online 2021 Summer Edition international conference starts in 2 weeks! Not registered yet? Book now your ticket to attend the only event about Symfony entirely online and in English! All talks will have English subtitles and will be available in replay as soon as the conference ends. Join us for an entire week of Symfony:

2-day online pre-conference workshops on June 15-16 2-day online conference with 2 tracks per day on June 17-18

Did you check the conference schedu

4y | Symfony
New in Symfony 5.3: Lazy Command Description

Contributed by Nicolas Grekas in #39851.

Symfony introduced lazy commands back in 2017 for its 3.4 version. That change made applications faster and more robust because commands no longer needed to be instantiated to register them in the application. However, Symfony commands aren’t fully lazy. If you run bin/console without arguments (or the equivalent bin/console list command) you s

4y | Symfony
Symfony 5.3.1 released

Symfony 5.3.1 has just been released. Here is a list of the most important changes:

bug #41463 [Serializer][Validator] Fix not null return from “getCollectionValueTypes” (@jderusse) bug #41493 [Security] Readd deprecated methods to the interfaces (@wouterj) bug #41495 [HttpFoundation] Add ReturnTypeWillChange to SessionHandlers (@nikic) bug #41485 [HttpKernel] fix ArgumentMetadataFactory messes up controller arguments with attributes (@sgehrig) bug #41461 Fix Symfony 5.3 end of

4y | Symfony
New in Symfony 5.3: Runtime Component

Contributed by Nicolas Grekas in #38465 and #40513.

Symfony 5.3 was released on May 31, 2021. Although we’ve published many articles about new Symfony 5.3 features, there are some interesting new features that we haven’t discussed yet. The first one is the new Runtime Component. The purpose of the Runtime component is to abstract most of the application bootstrapping logic

4y | Symfony
Symfony 5.2.10 released

Symfony 5.2.10 has just been released. Here is a list of the most important changes:

bug #41000 [Form] Use !isset for checks cause this doesn’t falsely include 0 (@Kai Dederichs) bug #41407 [DependencyInjection] keep container.servic _subscriber tag on the decorated definition (@xabbuh) bug #40866 [Filesystem] fix readlink() for Windows (@a1812) bug #41394 [Form] fix support for years outside of the 32b range on x86 arch (@nicolas-grekas) bug #41380 Make Mailgun Header compatibl

4y | Symfony
Symfony 4.4.25 released

Symfony 4.4.25 has just been released. Here is a list of the most important changes:

bug #41000 [Form] Use !isset for checks cause this doesn’t falsely include 0 (@Kai Dederichs) bug #41407 [DependencyInjection] keep container.servic _subscriber tag on the decorated definition (@xabbuh) bug #40866 [Filesystem] fix readlink() for Windows (@a1812) bug #41394 [Form] fix support for years outside of the 32b range on x86 arch (@nicolas-grekas) bug #39847 [Messenger] Fix merging Proto

4y | Symfony
Symfony 5.3.0 released

Symfony 5.3.0 has just been released. Here is a list of the most important changes:

bug #41458 [FrameworkBundle] fix ConfigBuilderCacheWarmer (@nicolas-grekas) bug #41456 [FrameworkBundle] fix creating ContainerBuilder at warmup/CLI time (@nicolas-grekas) bug #41452 [FrameworkBundle] Remove redundant cache service (@derrabus) bug #41451 [Translation] Remove PoEditor Provider (@welcoMattic) bug #41000 [Form] Use !isset for checks cause this doesn’t falsely include 0 (@Kai Ded

4y | Symfony
Symfony 5.3 curated new features

Symfony 5.3.0 has just been released. As for any other Symfony minor release, our backward compatibility promise applies and this means that you should be able to upgrade easily without changing anything in your code.

During the last couple of months, we've blogged about the great 5.3 new features. I highly recommend you to read these articles about Symfony 5.3 as they contain the major changes for this new version:

Config Builder Classes: Symfony 5.3 automatically generates config builder cl

4y | Symfony
A Week of Symfony #752 (24-30 May 2021)

This week, Symfony 5.3 made the last tweaks and fixes before its final release. Meanwhile, the upcoming Symfony 6.0 version started working on removing legacy code and adding PHP types across the entire codebase. Lastly, Symfony announced a new SymfonyWorld Online Winter Edition conference (December 9-10) which will complement the imminent SymfonyWorld Online Summer Edition on June 17-18.

Symfony development highlights

This week, 71 pull requests were merged (55 in code and 16 in docs) and 24

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