Symfony 5.3.0-BETA2 released

Symfony 5.3.0-BETA2 has just been released. Here is a list of the most important changes:

feature #41002 [FrameworkBundle][HttpKernel] Move IDE file link formats from FrameworkExtension to FileLinkFormatter (@MatTheCat) bug #41014 [Routing] allow extending Route attribute (@robmro27) feature #39913 [OptionsResolver] Add prototype definition support for nested options (@yceruto) bug #41008 [Security] Do not try to rehash null-passwords (@tjveldhuizen) bug #41013 [Console] Remove

4y | Symfony
New in Symfony 5.3: Form Handler Helper

Contributed by Kévin Dunglas in #40799.

The recommended way of processing Symfony forms is to use a single action for both rendering the form and handling the form submit. This is how it looks in practice: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21// src/Controller/ConferenceController.php // ...

[Route('/{id}/edit', name: 'conference_edit', method

4y | Symfony
New in Symfony 5.3: PasswordHasher Component

Contributed by Robin Chalas in #39802.

Hashing passwords is the process of applying a cryptographic hash function to transform the original plain text password into a different non-guessable value which is infeasible to invert. For historical reasons, Symfony uses the term “password encoding” when it should really refer to “password hashing”. This has caused some confusion for people

4y | Symfony
Últimos días para inscribirte en los talleres de SymfonyLive Online Spanish Edition 2021

Estamos encantados de organizar la primera conferencia oficial de Symfony en español 100% online, SymfonyLive Online Spanish Edition 2021, la próxima semana el 7 de mayo. Si todavía no conoces el programa de la conferencia, ¡descubre las charlas seleccionadas y los fantásticos ponentes que van a compartir su experiencia con Symfony durante la conferencia!

Además de la conferencia, organizamos unos talleres los días anteriores, en inglés, los días 5 y 6 de mayo. Una oportunidad única para aprend

4y | Symfony
New in Symfony 5.3: Tailwind CSS Form Theme

Contributed by Kevin Bond in #40449.

Tailwind CSS is the most popular utility-first CSS framework. Its unique (and odd-looking at first) philosophy is making it a resounding success and it’s reshaping the way many applications manage their CSS. Symfony includes ready-to-use themes to make your forms match the look and feel of other popular frameworks such as Bootstrap and Foundation. T

4y | Symfony
New in Symfony 5.3: Negatable Command Options

Contributed by Greg Anderson and Jérémy Derussé in #39642.

In some console commands it’s common to define two related options with opposite behaviors. For example, the default options applied to all Symfony commands include the --ansi and --no-ansi options: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17// ... use Symfony\Component\Console\

4y | Symfony
SymfonyLive Online Spanish Edition 2021 se acerca, inscríbete en la conferencia

Recientemente anunciamos la primera y segunda partes del programa de la conferencia SymfonyLive Online Spanish Edition 2021 que se organizará el 7 de mayo. También anunciamos todos los ponentes seleccionados para presentarte todas las novedades de Symfony y su ecosistema en la primera conferencia oficial de Symfony en español 100% online. Las keynotes que ya anunciamos serán en inglés con subtítulos en español. El replay completo de la conferencia estará disponible en cuanto termine la conferenc

4y | Symfony
New in Symfony 5.3: Config Builder Classes

Symfony 5.3 will be released in May 2021. This is the first article of the series that shows the most important new features introduced by this Symfony version.

        Contributed by 
        Tobias Nyholm 
        in #40600.

Symfony applications can use YAML, XML and/or PHP as their configuration format. Each of them has its advantages and its drawbacks, so we intend to keep supporting the three of them equ

4y | Symfony
A Week of Symfony #747 (19-25 April 2021)

This week, the last new features of Symfony 5.3 were merged, such as the new translation providers and the new Target attribute to tell how a dependency is used and to hint named autowiring aliases. In addition, the first beta of Symfony 5.3 was published, so you can start testing it in your apps before its release at the end of May 2021.

Symfony development highlights

This week, 61 pull requests were merged (24 in code and 37 in docs) and 40 issues were closed (30 in code and 10 in docs). Exc

4y | Symfony
A Week of Symfony #746 (12-18 April 2021)

This week, the upcoming Symfony 5.3 version introduced ConfigBuilder classes to configure packages using fluent and semantic PHP methods instead of plain arrays, it added a feature to autowire arguments using attributes, improved performance of Intl component by switching resources from JSON to PHP and introduced a handleForm() helper in the AbstractController class.

Symfony development highlights

This week, 101 pull requests were merged (58 in code and 43 in docs) and 37 issues were closed (2

4y | Symfony

