A Week of Symfony #738 (15-21 February 2021)

This week, the upcoming Symfony 5.3 version added a ConsoleCommand attribute and an EventListener attribute to help configure those when using PHP 8. In addition, it added an autoconfigure attribute to also help define autoconfiguration rules in PHP 8. Finally, Symfony added a debug:firewall command to inspect all the information about security firewalls.

Symfony development highlights

This week, 67 pull requests were merged (41 in code and 26 in docs) and 66 issues were closed (55 in code and

4y | Symfony
SymfonyLive Polish 2021 - Poznaj agendę!

The SymfonyLive Polish 2021 online conference will be held in Polish on March 10th to 12th.

Agenda konferencji SymfonyLive Polish 2021 jest już dostępna!

Zarejestruj się już teraz, aby uczyć się od ekspertów Symfony po polsku.

Na konferencji odbędzie się 10 wykładów:

4 z nich zostaną wygłoszone w języku angielskim przez członków Symfony core-team: Fabien, Titouan, Ryan i Nicolas; 6 z nich będzie wygłoszonych w języku polskim przez native speakerów: Sebastiana, Mateusza, Marcina, Łukasza i K

4y | Symfony
A Week of Symfony #737 (8-14 February 2021)

This week, Symfony Panther 1.0 was released, adding many features and improvements to this browser testing and web scraping library. Meanwhile, the Symfony 5 book was updated for Symfony 5.2. Finally, the upcoming Symfony conferences made a last call for submitting speaking and training proposals.

Symfony development highlights

This week, 45 pull requests were merged (22 in code and 23 in docs) and 33 issues were closed (26 in code and 7 in docs). Excluding merges, 19 authors made 6,148 additi

4y | Symfony
Announcing Symfony Panther 1.0

Two years after the first release of the library, I’m very happy to announce the immediate availability of Panther version 1.0!

Panther is a browser testing and web scraping library that relies on the WebDriver W3C specification to manipulate real web browsers. Chrome and Firefox are natively supported while Safari, Edge and Opera can be used with some additional configuration. Cloud testing providers such as Sauce Labs and Browserstack are also supported. As you know, the Symfony team is

4y | Symfony
Get trained at our pre-conference online workshops

All Symfony online conferences offer 2 days of online pre-conference workshops in English or French. We now offer workshops only tickets so you can only attend the workshop sessions. As you can attend any workshop, here is the list of the upcoming online workshops we organize and their sessions. Pick yours and attend the conference in the language you’re interested in, or you can just attend the workshops! Get trained on:

Mastering OOP & Design Patterns (2-day workshop)

Object Oriented Pro

4y | Symfony
Last call: Becoming a speaker at Symfony Online conferences 2021

You never talked at a conference before? Or you're an experienced conference speaker? In both cases, this is the perfect opportunity to submit a talk proposal to an online Symfony conference!

Of course, being a speaker or a trainer at any Online Symfony conference means that you’ll receive a free ticket to attend the conference and a speaker package gift! We also provide the hardware for your online talk or workshop: we’ll send you a camera and a mic if yours are not good enough to record your

4y | Symfony
Last day of Early Bird registration for SymfonyWorld 2021

Join us at SymfonyWorld 2021 for 2 pre-conference workshop days and 2 conference days from June 15 to 18, 2021. Enjoy 2 tracks of talks per day repeated twice! The entire conference schedule is done twice per day so you can attend the live conference whenever you want. Replay of all talks will be available from June 19th. If you missed a talk, you can watch it in replay just after the conference.

Early bird registration is open until today February 8th 2021, book your online workshop only ticke

4y | Symfony
Read The Fast Track book, updated for Symfony 5.2

If you have ever written a blog post, you probably understand why writing a 350 page long book like The Fast Track is a lot of work. Trust me when I say that updating such a book is an entirely different endeavor. Making sure that all code snippets work as expected is tedious. Updating screnshots is even more laborious. But reading an obsolete book is frustrating for users. When it comes to updating a book like “The Fast Track” for a new version of Symfony, you’d better be prepared for long hour

4y | Symfony
A Week of Symfony #736 (1-7 February 2021)

This week, Symfony 5.2.3 maintenance version was released. In addition, the CARE Team appointed new members. Finally, Webpack Encore 1.0 and Stimulus Bridge 2.0 were released.

Symfony development highlights

This week, 47 pull requests were merged (35 in code and 12 in docs) and 42 issues were closed (35 in code and 7 in docs). Excluding merges, 34 authors made 1,147 additions and 241 deletions. See details for code and docs.

4.4 changelog:

ccdcac2: [Mime] fix case-sensitive handling

4y | Symfony
Early bird registration for SymfonyWorld Online 2021 ends on February 8th

SymfonyWorld 2021 is an international Online Conference in English on June 17-18, 2021. During 2 conference days, enjoy 2 tracks of talks per day repeated twice! The entire schedule is done twice per day, making sure that no matter you are in the world you can attend the live conference. Replay of all talks will be availble from June 19th. If you missed a talk, you can watch it in replay just after the conference.

Early bird registration is open until February 8th 2021, book your online worksho

4y | Symfony

