Symfony 5.1.10 released

Symfony 5.1.10 has just been released. Here is a list of the most important changes:

bug #39545 [Notifier] [Mattermost] Host is required (@OskarStark) bug #39538 [Notifier] Fix parsing Dsn with empty user/password (@OskarStark) bug #39531 [Mailer] Fix parsing Dsn with empty user/password (@OskarStark) bug #39518 [Ldap] Incorrect determination of RelativeDistinguishedName for the “move” operation (@astepin) bug #39510 [Notifier]  [Free Mobile] Could not use custom host in DS

4y | Symfony
Online SymfonyTour 2021: pre-conference workshops are announced

We’ve recently announced our Online SymfonyTour for the first semester of 2021. All Call for Papers are currently open, send in your talk proposals!

Each online conference comes with 2 days of online pre-conference workshops, organized on the days before the conference. We’re pleased to announce the pre-conference workshop topics, either 2-day workshops or a combo of two 1-day workshop:

Mastering OOP & Design Patterns (2-day workshop): Object Oriented Programming (OOP) goes beyond the des

4y | Symfony
New features for our Symfony conference websites

Lastly, we've announced our upcoming Online SymfonyTour for the first semester of 2021. We are pleased to organize 5 online conferences at the first semester of 2021. Among the 5 conferences, we have 4 online conferences dedicated to local Symfony communities.

A Polish Online Conference: SymfonyLive Online Poland 2021 A French Online Conference: SymfonyLive Online France 2021 A German Online Conference: SymfonyLive Online Germany 2021 A Spanish Online Conference: SymfonyLive Online Spain 2021

4y | Symfony
Special Christmas Sale on all Certifications

You missed our Black Friday sale on all our certifications? You were probably too busy attending SymfonyWorld 2020 and forgot to buy your certification voucher! Well, good news then, we’re offering a special Christmas Sale on all certifications until December 21st 2020!

Get 30% off all Symfony and Twig certifications using the code CERTIF_30_XM. Your certification voucher is valid for a year from the date of purchase. Buy it now and take the exam when you are ready: tomorrow, in a week or next

4y | Symfony
A Week of Symfony #728 (7-13 December 2020)

This week, Symfony published the videos of the SymfonyWorld Online 2020 conference, allowing attendees to watch all the talks again. As a bonus, two of those videos, related to Symfony UX were published for free. In addition, Symfony published the upcoming online conferences for 2021, which will be organized in Polish, French, German and Spanish.

Symfony development highlights

This week, 108 pull requests were merged (88 in code and 20 in docs) and 52 issues were closed (37 in code and 15 in d

4y | Symfony
Discover our Online SymfonyTour (first semester of 2021)

After the great success of the international SymfonyWorld 2020 online conference, we're very happy to announce the upcoming online conferences for 2021.

We'll have the pleasure to organize several online conferences:

A Polish Online Conference: SymfonyLive Online 2021 in Polish A French Online Conference: SymfonyLive Online2021 in French A German Online Conference: SymfonyLive Online 2021 in German A Spanish Online Conference: SymfonyLive Online 2021 in Spanish An international Online Confere

4y | Symfony
SymfonyWorld 2020 was a blast!

We are very pleased to have welcomed all of you last week for an entire week of Symfony! The first edition of the SymfonyWorld online conference was a blast!

Last week, on December 1st and 2nd, 140+ people joined our pre-conference workshops. We organized a 2-day pre-conference workshops with 7 different workshops, either 1-day or 2-day workshops. We’d like to thank all our trainers for their availability to teach online during 2 days! Teaching online is way more different than in physical but

4y | Symfony
SymfonyWorld 2020 replay

The first edition of the SymfonyWorld conference took place last week, on December 3rd and 4th 2020. About 30 talks were scheduled, divided into 3 conference tracks. During 2 days, each talk was scheduled twice making sure anyone in the world can watch it! But still it is a lot of talks to watch! We're thus very pleased to announce that the entire conference replay is now available to all the registered conference attendees. Since December 5th, all the attendees can watch all over again all the

4y | Symfony
A Week of Symfony #727 (30 November - 6 December 2020)

This week, the SymfonyWorld Online 2020 conference took place with great success. If you want to replay all the talks, you can still buy a ticket. Meanwhile, Symfony unveiled the new Symfony UX initiative to create a JavaScript ecosystem for Symfony. Finally, Titouan Galopin was appointed as a new Symfony Core Team member.

Symfony development highlights

This week, 55 pull requests were merged (50 in code and 5 in docs) and 47 issues were closed (41 in code and 6 in docs). See details for code

4y | Symfony
New in Symfony: the UX initiative, a new JavaScript ecosystem for Symfony

Since its creation, JavaScript has always been focused on creating innovative User Experiences. It lets developers create the most intuitive and usable User Experience possible for a specific problem. In practice however, building great User Experiences with JavaScript is difficult. It takes time to choose reliable packages, to configure them, to integrate them in your pages, and to make your front-end code interact with the rest of your infrastructure. This problem is not new: it looks a whole

4y | Symfony

