A Week of Symfony #783 (27 December 2021 - 2 January 2022)

This week, Symfony 4.4.36, 5.3.13, 5.4.2 and 6.0.2 maintenance versions were released. In addition, Symfony announced the open sourcing of Symfony CLI and we published the traditional Symfony 2021 Year in Review summary.

Symfony development highlights

This week, 57 pull requests were merged (43 in code and 14 in docs) and 35 issues were closed (29 in code and 6 in docs). Excluding merges, 28 authors made 30,701 additions and 13,692 deletions. See details for co

3y | Symfony
Announcing the open-sourcing of the Symfony CLI

As announced during SymfonyWorld, the Symfony CLI code is now Open-Source. You can find the code on Github. The code that I open-sourced today has evolved a lot since the fork from the proprietary code. The main differences are the following: The auto-update code has been replaced by Goreleaser (we provide way more options now including Homebrew, deb, rpm, and Windows packages); The new code supports Platform.sh out of the box (as the replacement for SymfonyCloud

3y | Symfony
Symfony 6.0.2 released

Symfony 6.0.2 has just been released. Here is the list of the most important changes since 6.0.1: bug #44828 [Lock] Release DoctrineDbalPostgreSqlStore connection lock on failure (@simon-watiau) bug #44838 [DependencyInjection][HttpKernel] Fix enum typed bindings (@ogizanagi) bug #44723 [Lock] Release PostgreSqlStore connection lock on failure (simon-watiau) bug #44826 [HttpKernel] Do not attempt to register enum arguments in controller service locator (@ogizanag

3y | Symfony
Symfony 4.4.36 released

Symfony 4.4.36 has just been released. Here is the list of the most important changes since 4.4.35: bug #44838 [DependencyInjection][HttpKernel] Fix enum typed bindings (@ogizanagi) bug #44826 [HttpKernel] Do not attempt to register enum arguments in controller service locator (@ogizanagi) bug #44820 [Cache] Don't lock when doing nested computations (@nicolas-grekas) bug #44807 [Messenger] fix Redis support on 32b arch (@nicolas-grekas) bug #44759 [HttpFoundation

3y | Symfony
Symfony 5.3.13 released

Symfony 5.3.13 has just been released. Here is the list of the most important changes since 5.3.12: bug #44838 [DependencyInjection][HttpKernel] Fix enum typed bindings (@ogizanagi) bug #44723 [Lock] Release PostgreSqlStore connection lock on failure (simon-watiau) * commit 'e5b2f9efba': [Lock] Release PostgreSqlStore connection lock on failure bug #44826 [HttpKernel] Do not attempt to register enum arguments in controller service locator (@ogizanagi) bug #4482

3y | Symfony
Symfony 5.4.2 released

Symfony 5.4.2 has just been released. Here is the list of the most important changes since 5.4.1: bug #44828 [Lock] Release DoctrineDbalPostgreSqlStore connection lock on failure (@simon-watiau) bug #44838 [DependencyInjection][HttpKernel] Fix enum typed bindings (@ogizanagi) bug #44723 [Lock] Release PostgreSqlStore connection lock on failure (simon-watiau) * commit 'e5b2f9efba': [Lock] Release PostgreSqlStore connection lock on failure bug #44826 [HttpKernel]

3y | Symfony
Symfony 2021 Year in Review

2021 was an incredibly hard year for many people and companies. The Symfony community was no exception and our thoughts are with all of you who suffered because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Luckily, thanks to your help and support, there were some reasons for optimism throughout the year. This blog post highlights the main Symfony achievements during 2021.

Releases We released three new major versions: Symfony 5.3 in May and Symfony 5.4 (LTS) and Symfony 6.0 in Nov

3y | Symfony
A Week of Symfony #782 (20-26 December 2021)

This week, Symfony development activity was low because of Christmas holidays and focused on fixing various small bugs. Meanwhile, the upcoming Symfony 6.1 version, to be released in May 2022, introduced a new feature to create draft emails.

Symfony development highlights

This week, 43 pull requests were merged (29 in code and 14 in docs) and 51 issues were closed (46 in code and 5 in docs). Excluding merges, 29 authors made 3,458 additions and 520 deletions. S

3y | Symfony
Introducing Docker support

Over the years, Docker has become the de facto standard for building, shipping and running server applications. Docker allows you to store all the instructions needed to build the environment that will host your software next to the code, in the repository of the project. I'm very excited to announce that after 6 years of teamwork, Symfony and API Platform now include an industry-first set of tools designed to automatically create, manage and run the Docker conta

3y | Symfony
A Week of Symfony #780 (6-12 December 2021)

This week, Symfony 5.4.1 and 6.0.1 maintenance versions were released. In addition, the SymfonyWorld 2021 Winter edition conference too place with great success. During the conference, Symfony UX 2.0 was released to add Stimulus 3 support and we introduced an automated way to create and manage Docker containers in Symfony applications. Lastly, the Symfony Demo application released its new version compatible with Symfony 6.0.

Symfony development highlights


3y | Symfony

