No, your website is not a web app even if you call it so

As a response to my article, So-called modern web developers are the culprits, someone stated that my advice was outdated because today we make web apps, not websites. I will address that issue in this article.

1y | unixsheikh
Is the madness ever going to end?

There is something seriously wrong with the IT industry. It's so bad that I haven't managed to find a single industry with the same massive amount of stupidity, with the exception of perhaps the fashion industry.

1y | unixsheikh
My 70 year old mother has been using Linux on the desktop for the past 21 years

My mother turned 70, February 2021, and she has been using Linux on the desktop for the past 21 years. My mother-in-law is 65, she has been using Linux on the desktop since 2015.

1y | unixsheikh
The delusions of Debian

Debian was a very famous Linux distribution in the communications industry and it was my personal favorite for many years, and I think I have been running it in production since about 1998 up until the time when the systemd conflict arose. Since then the priorities of the Debian project changed and Debian was no longer what Debian used to be.

1y | unixsheikh
Linux distributions long term support might not be what you think it is

Since I wrote The delusions of Debian, I have received a lot of email. I have therefore decided to do a small follow-up about the true meaning of Long Term Support (LTS).

1y | unixsheikh
How security is handled by package maintainers

A lot of myth and misunderstanding exist regarding how security is handled by package maintainers on the different Linux distributions and BSD variants. Let's take a look at the subject.

1y | unixsheikh
Questions about which operating system is more secure or the fastest make no sense

Reddit, fora, mailing lists, etc. are filled with questions and debates about whether operating system A is more secure than operating system B, or whether operating system A is faster than operating system B. Such questions and debates makes very little sense.

1y | unixsheikh
"Zero trust" is being hijacked by the big corporate hype machine

The term zero trust is a security model, also known as "perimeterless security" that has been known for a long time and that was e.g. implemented internally at Google in 2009 in a project called BeyondCorp. In recent years, mainly due to the high amount of IT security problems we all are facing, the term gained renewed focus and popularity when cybersecurity researchers at National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) released their Zero Trust Architecture publication (PDF).Zero trust is

1y | unixsheikh
No, you cannot trust third party code without reading it first

A lot of bad practice has permeated the software development industry, one such practice is to blindly trust code when using third party libraries, frameworks or packages. The reasons why this is taking place is because people want to build stuff quickly in order to save as much money as possible, and they don't want to spend time on security or even performance. But alas, now such companies are beginning to pay the price, a very costly and highly damaging price.

1y | unixsheikh
The flaws of distro hopping and asking other people about their OS of choice

Distro hopping is a term that refers to the activity of computer users constantly installing and trying out different Linux distributions and/or BSD variants, either on bare metal or in a virtual environment, having a real difficult time choosing what to use. Some people believe that distro hopping is a result of boredom, or because of a lack of satisfaction with current choice, or that it's simply a matter of trying out multiple options, but that is not the case. Rather, it's a kind of psycholo

1y | unixsheikh

