User empowerment in product design

“There is certainly more to an enjoyable activity than the mere ability to complete it.” — Jakob NielsenContinue reading on UX Collective »

4y | UX Design
UI Trends for 2077

From touch through VR, AR, all the way to direct neural connections. See the future of User Interfaces.Continue reading on UX Collective »

4y | UX Design
The myth of the “low hanging fruit”

Teams rush to build ‘low hanging fruit’, features they think will benefit users. But just as quickly can deliver on bigger opportunities.Continue reading on UX Collective »

4y | UX Design
The endless battle against bad UX

Despite all the focus in tech and beyond to improve UX, companies keep making the user experience unnecessarily hard, and even maddening…Continue reading on UX Collective »

4y | UX Design
Toxic traits that need addressing in any design team

By recognising & addressing these traits, we can develop healthier workplaces, and produce better designs together.Continue reading on UX Collective »

4y | UX Design
