Spacious tent for 4 people. The classic two-rod construction is reinforced with two more rods and thus ensures sufficient stability even in more demanding conditions. Two entrances and two spacious apses ensure sufficient comfort for users both for cooking and for storing luggage.
Outer panel: 100% polyester, 4000 mm H2O; Inner tent: Permeable WR 100 % PES; Construction: Durawrap, 8.5mm, 9.5mm, 11mm; Floor: 100% nylon PU10000mm H2O; taped seams Size:
(100 + 205 + 100) x 240 / 135; Dimensions when packed: 16 x 16 x 55 cm Color combinations:
Sand Weight:
5.9 kg floorboard:
100 % nylon PU10000mm H2O Outer material:
100% polyester, 4000 mm H2O

Legolcsóbb termék

184,99 EUR | | In stock

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